Diversity Conferences

1st History of Economic Thought

Diversity Caucus Conference

to be held online, May 24-25, 2021

Final program

The 1st History of Economic Thought Diversity Caucus Online Conference will be held via Zoom, May 24-25, 2021. Our goal is to spread sessions out over several days in order to include speakers and audience members across multiple continents, and several time zones.

Here is the final schedule for the conference. Please note that there are some changes to the (local) start times to correct an error or two, and to reflect some time-zone shifts that have occurred since the initial schedule was distributed several weeks ago. If you are planning to join the conference, please be sure to adjust accordingly for your local time.

Also, here is the Zoom link for the conference: https://asu.zoom.us/j/6281106275.

Just click on the link when you would like to join the conference.

Finally, several authors have made their papers available in advance of the conference.

If you would like to read these papers before the conference, here is a link to a Dropbox folder where the draft manuscripts can be found: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5c13dfwxhzzsd4c/AACZvX7AxjSQeF2vTlkZz2vca?dl=0

We are looking forward to seeing you (virtually) at the conference!

Author(s) Paper Title Home Country Presentation Time (GMT) Presentation Time (Author's Location)

Monday, May 24, 2021 - Late Morning (GMT) Session

  • Toru Yamamori “Grassroots Feminist Economic Thought: A Reconstruction from the Working-Class Women’s Liberation Movement in 1970’s Britain” Japan (GMT) 9:30 Japan 18:30

  • Valentina Erasmo "Self-Sacrifice: An Analysis of Female Economic Behaviour in Less Developed Countries through the Lenses of Amartya Sen’s Thought" (GMT) 10:05 Italy 12:05

  • Nadeera Rajapakse  “Women Migrant Workers and Market Forces: Towards an inter-disciplinary representation of female labour migration” (GMT)10:40 France 12:40

  • Çınla Akdere What is wrong with the myth of Robinson Crusoe?  (GMT) 11:15 Turkey 14:15

Monday, May 24, 2021 - Early Afternoon (GMT) Session

  • Gerardo Serra “Siamese Crocodiles, Surveys and Temporalities: J.B. Danquah and Kofi A. Busia on Economic Inequality” (GMT)12:00 UK13:00

  • Rahul Abhijit Sirohi “The Political Economy of Race and Caste: Revisiting the Writings of Mariátegui and Ambedkar” (GMT)12:35 India 18:05

  • Múcio Tosta Gonçalves “Pensar a produção interdisciplinar antes do conceito: o caso da Economia Política” (GMT) 13:10 Brazil 10:10

  • Raíssa Vieira de Melo  "The Use of Political Economy by the Langham Place Group” (GMT) 13:45 Brazil 10:45

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - Early Afternoon (GMT) Session

  • Roberto Lampa and Martín Abeles “From Ontological Orientation to Axiomatic Habitus? An Historical Reappraisal of Contemporary Political Economy from a Marxian Angle” (GMT) 12:00 Argentina 9:00

  • Keoka Grayson “On the Question of the Lumpenproletariat:  Hegel, Marx, and Fanon” (GMT) 12:35 USA 8:35

  • Isabella Weber “Economics before European Hegemony: Guanzi and Ibn Khaldun as Economists in Schumpeter’s Definition” (GMT)13:10 USA 9:10

  • Sonia Manseri, Julie Ramage, and Nadeera Rajapakse “Ghostmarkets : La monnaie d’estime: Projet pluridisciplinaire de recherche sur la monnaie en milieu carceral” (GMT)13:45 France 15:45

Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - Late Afternoon (GMT) Session

  • Nicolas Vallois “Economics and statistics at the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO), 1926-1939” (GMT)14:30 France 16:30

  • John Komlos “Covert Racism in Economics” (GMT) 15:05 Germany 17:05

  • Jaqueline Vilas Boas Talga and Tiago Camarinha Lopes “Paul Singer's Solidary Economy: Theory and practice in a recycling cooperative in Goiás, Brazil” (GMT) 15:40 Brazil 12:40

  • Cynthia Hawkinson “Witches and Exorcists: A Case Study of Socio-Economic Empowerment and Oppression in Post-Colonial Latin America” (GMT) 16:15 USA 9:15


History of Economic Thought Diversity Caucus Online Conference

May 2021

The 1st History of Economic Thought Diversity Caucus Online Conference will be held via Zoom, May 24-26, 2021, in advance of the annual meetings of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET). Our goal is to spread sessions out over several days in order to include speakers and audience members across multiple continents, and several time zones.

We seek contributions that address topics, themes, personae, and institutions that typically, and too often, go unaddressed in professional forums. We are especially interested in contributions that explore the meaning of diversity, pluralism, and inclusion for the history of economic thought and related fields, and its significance for practitioners in these fields.

Papers scheduled to be presented at either the ESHET or History of Economics Society conferences are eligible for the Diversity Caucus Conference.

A selection of papers presented at the Diversity Caucus Conference may be published (in English) in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, subject to peer review.

Possible Topics:

The history of economics outside English-speaking scientific communities;

Indigenous economic practices and ideas;

Stratification economics.


Interdisciplinarity in the history of economics (before the contemporary emphasis on


The effects of bias and prejudice in the economics profession;

Centering race, gender, and sexuality in HET;

Gender and racial politics in the development of economic systems;

Racism and sexism in the history of economics;

The consequences of “herd behavior” in economic research.


Non-professional economists; economic “outsiders”; economists outside academia, finance, and government;

The contributions of scholars from outside Europe and North America to making issues

of diversity pertinent;

Women and minority investors and directors in the early history of corporations.


Historic shadow banking and informal lending markets;

Non-financial institutions (post offices, universities, libraries, mechanics institutes, research establishments, waste management organisations etc.) in economic history and the history of economic thought.

If you would like to present at the Conference, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to diversityhet@gmail.com. Co-authored papers are encouraged.

Abstracts in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, and Japanese will be considered, but we ask that speakers either present in English or provide English-language presentation materials (e.g., Powerpoint slides, a translated manuscript), in order to facilitate communication and discussion.

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2021. Notifications will be sent after April 1, 2021. Final papers will be due by May 15, 2021.