Third mobility, Catania, Italy

1st Day Mobility in Catania - Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Italy 

 Archimede teachers and students  welcomed the guests  and introducde school staff and headmistress. Students presented, in English language, their school and their region of the Country; School tour: Italian students  guided the group to see the main classrooms and laboratories. 

Touring Catania in the afternoon of the 1st day 

2st Day Mobility in Catania - Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Italy 

Our students participated in an in-depth lecture by Professor Claudia Bonomo and thoroughly enjoyed conducting various experiments on complex dynamic systems.


Enjoying the 2nd day afternoon in beautiful Taormina 😍

3rd Day Mobility in Catania - Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Italy 

On the third day of our mobility program, we visited the University of Catania, where we attended an outstanding lecture by the Department of Archaeology on the application of artificial intelligence in archaeological research. The students were introduced to a project focused on the digital mapping of the ancient archaeological site of Phaistos, Crete.


3rd day afternoon: visit to the Benedictine Monastery 

The Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolò l’Arena in Catania, Sicily, is the second biggest Benedictine monastery in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  

4th Day Mobility in Catania - Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Italy

On the fourth day of the mobility program, students had the chance to witness the latest project by the IT Archimede's team, the world champions of the Robocup competition. They also enjoyed an interactive class featuring a variety of ICT tools presented by Professor Raciti.

5th Day Mobility in Catania - Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Italy

On the fifth and final day, students from Serbia and Turkey attended the Sustainability Workshop led by Professor Leonardi, where they learned about the importance of preserving biodiversity in plant and animal species.


Presentation of attendance certificates and greetings from the Principal 

Moments of fun and togetherness in the evenings 🤩
