DivBookFest is brought to you by Our Voice Alliance!

9:30AM Festival Doors Open

Festival Cafe will be open from 9:30AM-3:30PM

On-Site Bookstore will be open from 9:30AM-5:00PM


Welcome & Overview of Day (room 1)


The Funny Thing Is... (room 1)

“Our favorite funny authors chat about their middle grade novels!”

Leah Johnson, Mark Oshiro, Claribel a. Ortega, Julian Randall, justin a. reynolds Moderated by: Rachel Strolle

Magic Makers (room 2)

“Authors talk about building the magical worlds that make our imaginations soar!”

Janella Angeles, Rena Barron, Ayana Gray, Lori M. Lee, June CL Tan

What I Like About You (room 3)

“Authors talk love and romance!”

Gloria Chao, Ronni Davis, Racquel Marie, Marie Rutkoski


Here & Now (room 1)

Authors discuss contemporary worldbuilding and what makes our world vibrant and unique?”

Samira Ahmed, Ronni Davis, Jen Ferguson, Leah Johnson, Axie Oh Moderated by: Akshaya Raman

#BookContent (room 2)

“When fandom and stories leap off the page and onto the internet! How authors build community & connect online.”

Kat Cho, Chloe Gong, Ryan La Sala, Claribel a. Ortega



Inspired By (room 1)

“YA Authors discuss their retellings and reimaginings of old tales”

Janella Angeles, Kat Cho, Chloe Gong, Axie Oh, Akshaya Raman

Found Family (room 2)

“Authors talk about how the word ‘family’ extends beyond blood.”

Mark Oshiro, Marie Rutkoski, Aiden Thomas, Jasmine Warga

Choose Your Character (room 3)

“How do you know who has main character energy? Does the lead come first or the world or the plot?”

Roseanne A. Brown, Jen Ferguson, Ryan La Sala, June CL Tan


Ghosts of Our Past (room 1)

“Spirits and Ghosts and Memories, oh my!”

Lori M. Lee, Julian Randall, justin a. reynolds, Aiden Thomas

Forging Your Path (room 2)

“Bold and Brash main characters who push against expectations”

Akshaya Raman, Ayana Gray, Gloria Chao, Racquel Marie

Crossing Over: MG and YA (room 3)

“Authors who write for multiple age categories talk about how they do it!”

Samira Ahmed, Rena Barron, Roseanne A. Brown, Jasmine Warga


All Author Book Signings (room 1)

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