
Pedagogical Ideas

  • Use quiz tools after completing other activities to check for understanding.

  • Ask students to watch a video and answer questions using one of these tools. With EdPuzzle, questions can be integrated.

  • Check students' prior knowledge before doing another activity.

  • Review grammar or vocabulary by creating your own or selecting one on a site and assigning it.

  • Autonomous grammar and vocabulary practice.


Type: Find or create online quizzes for your students.





Type: Use videos and integrate questions or use already-made quizzes.

Platform: All



English Club

Type: Already-made online quizzes

Description: "With the EnglishClub ESL Quizzes, you can test your knowledge of English with a quiz and have fun at the same time! There are quizzes for all levels - on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and more. You can do all quizzes online on phone, tablet or desktop. And most of them can also be printed on paper to be done offline, perhaps as homework or in the classroom."Source: English Club

Activities for ESL Students

Type: Already-made online quizzes

Description: Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles to help you learn English as a Second Language (ESL)

This project of The Internet TESL Journal (iteslj.org) has thousands of contributions by many teacher

Level: All

Description: Mentimeter is an online survey tool with various options. You can create word clouds, pie charts, charts with no sign in required.