Distance Teaching Tools for ESL Teachers in Quebec


This site was created in response to the Covid-19 school closings. ESL teachers will need to teach online.

We have gathered resources that could be used in a distance learning setting. They are organized in type of activities instead of competencies since tools or websites are not separated that way.

The site for parents named "Resources en anglais" is a complement to this one and suggests sites that students can easily access from home without teacher support (mostly).

This site will be evolving according to the needs in the field.

How to use this site


Clarify with your principal what is expected since the modalities may change according to your school's reality.

Some sites require an adult account or email under 13 years old. Ask parents to set it up and supervise the use of the tool at home. Some tools offer a teacher account.

Explore all the site. Some tools or activities can be used in different contexts but we don't repeat them on multiple pages.

Decide if activities will be done synchronously (at the same time, together) or asynchronously (at a moment of their choice, independently).

Follow the guidelines in this presentation (FAD link).

Always verify the copyrights to be certain you can use it the way you intend to.

Online Courses on Campus RÉCIT

Other Resources

Domaine des langues

Professional Learning Digital Network

Web Tools for ESL Teachers

Ressources en anglais pour les parents