Week 1: Patient Monitoring (BME, EE)

Summary and explanation of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering: BME is a combination of engineering and biology as the name suggests, it merges engineering principles and biology. Biomedical engineers design and develop medical devices, instruments, and procedures for improving medical care. Biomedical engineers often work with medical professionals to solve complex problems too. Most notably, BME's have invented MRI technology, pacemakers, and kidney dialysis machines. BME's due to the scope of their degree can work in may places such as hospitals, research facilities, and manufacturing industries.

Electrical Engineering: EE is the research, design, development, testing, and oversight of electrical and electronic system and devices. EE's field spans a wide range of technologies including, electric vehicles, batteries, and electronics. EE's work on various sectors such as telecommunications, energy, aerospace, and maufacturing, often collaborating in teams that include many engineering disciplines. Today demand is increasing for electrical devices and systems leading to a projected five percent growth year over year.

Design Process

Simple Circuits


Parallel Circuit

We created a parallel circuit with two buttons, a red Light-Emitting Diode, two batteries, tape, a battery holder, and wire. To complete the circuit and have the red LED light up, at least one button has to be pressed.



Circuit Skymatic


Series Circuit

We created a series circuit with two buttons, a red Light-Emitting Diode, a green Light-Emitting Diode, three batteries, two battery holders, electrical tape, tape, hot glue, a styrofoam board, and wire. To complete the circuit and have the two LED's light up, both buttons have to be pressed.



Circuit Schematic

Darlington Pair Lab

We created Darlington Pairs with a breadboard, two NPN-type transistors, wire, two batteries, a battey holder, a forty-seven ohm resistor, a one-hundred-thousand ohm resistor, and a green Light-Emitting Diode. When put together the red LED lights up.

COVID Early Home Warning Device


COVID Early Home Warning Device Circuit

We created our COVID Early Home Warning Device circuit with five breadboards,  six batteries, two battery holders, a speaker, a 2N3904 Transistor, a IC 555 timer, a 100K resistor, wire, eight pc board resistors (1K, 3.3K, 270, and 39 ohm), and six capacitors (.05, 10, and 100 micro Farad). When put together, if one no switches are on, our green LED turns on, when one is on, our yellow LED is on, when two are on, our red LED turns on, and when all three are on, our red LED turns on and our speaker turns on.


Alarm Circuit

We created our alarm circuit with a breadboard, two batteries, a battery holder, a speaker, a 2N3904 Transistor, a IC 555 timer, a 100K resistor, wire, four pc board resistors (1K, 3.3K, 270, and 39 ohm), and three capacitors (.05, 10, and 100 micro Farad). When put together the speaker produces a  sound.

clock video.MOV

Timer Circuit

We created our timer circuit with a breadboard, two batteries, a battery holder, a speaker, a 2N3904 Transistor, a IC 555 timer, a 100K resistor, wire, four pc board resistors (1K, 3.3K, 270, and 39 ohm), and four capacitors (5, 5, 10, and 100 micro Farad). When put together the timer with a simple LED, it blinks every six seconds.

Logic working

Logic Circuit

We created our logic circuit with four breadboards, four and gates, an or gate, an inverter gate, a flip flop gate, four batteries, a battery holder, a speaker, wire, two pc board resistors (27 and 39 ohms). When put together, if one no switches are on, our green LED turns on, when one is on, our yellow LED is on, when two are on, our red LED turns on, and when all three are on, our red LED turns on.

Research Paper

Research Paper: Design Process of Commercial Circuits

Evaluation Questions

Evaluation - Week 1