

Two different evaluation metrics will be defined according to the task setting:


The baseline for both tasks will be computed by employing the one-hot vectors representation:

To decide whether the target sentence t is coherent with the paragraph P we will first compute the median value across the whole training dataset, and then we will use this as a threshold: all the occurrences with a value above the median will be considered coherent, incoherent otherwise.

The proximity between each two vectors ⟨vx, vx+1⟩ ∈ V will then be computed through a distance metric Dist(s1,s2) (e.g. Jaccard), thereby resulting in (n − 1) distance scores, grasping the degree of semantic overlap between each two neighbouring sentences. In order to compute the coherence score for the paragraph P score(P), we will average the scores featuring each pair of adjacent sentences. The value will then be compared with the human rating with correlation indices:

where corr indicates the Pearson or Spearman correlation index.

The code to run the baseline has been published on DisCoTex's GitHub repository.

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