Helping People Follow Jesus
I have another website about following Jesus (discipleship).
I have another website about following Jesus (discipleship).
This one is about helping others to follow Jesus (disciple-making).
This one is about helping others to follow Jesus (disciple-making).
To navigate this site, use the Menu at the top of every page.
To navigate this site, use the Menu at the top of every page.
The theory. What is disciple-making? What is a disciple?
The example. Jesus is the greatest disciple-maker. How did He do it?
The practice. How can we make disciples?
How can churches make disciples? Models and methods. Disciple-making movements.
Books, websites etc.
Related sites
Related sites
Some suggestions to get you started
Some suggestions to get you started
You will find people, churches, websites and so on on this site. Use those as springboards to do your own research. There is far more out there than will be available on this website.