

Name: Brokenjaw
--Other Names: Brackenkit, Brackenpaw, Brackenfang
Gender: Male
Age: Died at 49 moons in battle
Looks: Massive brown tom with darker brown paws and a twisted jaw
+: Perserveering, Confident
=: Determined, Loud
-: Forceful, Mean
Sexuality: Straight
Clan/Allegiance: Riverclan - DF
--Mother: Open, can be dead or alive but must have been a Rainflower-like cat to him when he was alive.
--Father: Open, can be dead or alive and must have loved Brokenjaw when he was alive
--Littermates: Open for a brother. Must be like Oakheart was to Crookedjaw.
Friends: Open, should be some DF cats he trains apprentices with
Mentor/App: Open for a few Df apprentices
Mate/Crush: Open for him to have had a mate with young kits while he was alive and his kits to still be kits.
Kits: Open once mate is found. Must still be kit-aged
Other: Nope