

Name/s: Flashkit, Flashpaw, Flashtail
--Names Meaning:
----Prefix: Flash - His bright orange pelt
----Suffix: Tail - His long tail
Gender: Genderfluid, but goes by Male
Age: 26 moons
Looks: Bright orange-ginger tom with white points and a very long tail. He has surprising blue eyes
Personality: Calm, loving, supportive, determined, loyal, brave, bold, fatherly, leaderly, friendly.
Sexuality: Gay (But he's Aromantic)
Clan/Allegiance: Shadowclan
--Mother: Open, must be 45+ moons, be in Shadowclan, and look somewhat like him.
--Father: Open, must be dead but born in Shadowclan, and look somewhat like him.
--Littermates: TBD whether they are open or not.
Friends: Open, he's very friendly and loves all
Mentor/App: Apprentice - Buckpaw
Mate/Crush: TBD whether will be open or not
Kits: He's a fatherly figure for Buckpaw, and the adoptive father of Wishkit (Deceased, @Angelique), Open for more!
Other: He's gonna be like the father for/of all.