Task 2: Automatic Detection of Narratives from Diplomats of Major Powers



The provided task corpus comprises tweets in Spanish and English from diplomats representing four international actors: China, Russia, the United States, and the European Union. These authorities include government accounts, embassies, ambassadors, and other diplomatic profiles such as consuls and missions.   

Task 2 of DIPROMATS 2024 uses a subset of the dataset for Task 1 as testing material.

Since this is a few-shot learning challenge, only the narrative description together with two or three examples will be given as developing and training material.

The dataset for training / development is already released. Please fill in the registration form to participate in DIPROMATS 2024. Once this form is submitted, participants will be contacted (to the email provided) with instructions to obtain the training dataset.

Training dataset release: March 20, 2024.

Testing dataset release: April 19, 2024.

Deadline for submitting runs: May 5, 2024