Task 1

DIPROMATS 2024 invites participants to categorize tweets based on two tasks. Participants have the flexibility to choose whether to engage in both of them, select a specific task, or focus on individual subtasks.

Task 1: propaganda identification and characterization

Subtask 1a:  Propaganda identification. Systems must decide whether a given tweet contains propaganda techniques (binary classification problem)

Subtask 1b: Propaganda characterization, coarse-grained. Systems must decide, for each tweet, which of the four available categories it fits: Not propagandistic, Appeal to commonality, Discrediting the opponent, Loaded language (Multiclass, multilabel clasification task)

Subtask 1c: Propaganda characterization, fine grained. Systems must classify the message according to the type of technique it contains. There are a negative class and seven positive classes: Flag Waving, Ad Populum / Ad antiquitatem, Name Calling/Labelling, Undiplomatic Assertiveness / Whataboutism, Appeal to Fear, Doubt, and Loaded Language.