Publication Policy

The following Publication Policy was instituted following the publication of issue #1.

Publication Policy, 7 Jan 2022

  1. If you wish to contribute any material to NOTES ON A NAPKIN the item should be sent to using the items process described on the NOTES ON A NAPKIN website here.

  2. If an item is sent to the publisher, the publisher has the right to publish the item unless the contributor has formally withdrawn the item by the deadline date. The deadline date will be published on the NOTES ON A NAPKIN website.

  3. No item submitted is guaranteed to be published. If the publisher decides to not publish an article the contributor will be notified. If the publisher decides to hold back publication of an article until a later issue of NOTES ON A NAPKIN the contributor will be notified.

  4. The publisher reserves the right to edit, or request the contributor to edit, items provided, for quality and consistency.

(a) If the publisher accepts the item for publication, the item may be edited without reference to the contributor.

(b) If the publisher requests that the contributor edits the item themselves, the contributor may decide to withdraw the article.

  1. The contributor may self-publish any item submitted for publication to NOTES ON A NAPKIN.

  2. The contributor should not send an item for publication to any other organisation or publication until after the next publication deadline or any future publication deadline unless the contributor withdraws the submitted item.

  3. If an item submitted for publication is published elsewhere, other than self-published, in contravention of (6) above, the publisher of NOTES ON A NAPKIN will not publish that item in NOTES ON A NAPKIN.

This policy will be in place for all future issues of NOTES ON A NAPKIN from issue 2 and thereafter and is subject to change at any time.

I’ve put this policy in place because an article that I had agreed to publish this issue was subsequently published in another zine. This may have happened due to the delay in publishing NOAN #1. As I had committed to publishing already, I included it. It looks bad, though, and I’m not prepared to do that again.