The Editor


Mal Arky

That's me.

I've played Diplomacy for years, in different formats: face-to-face, play-by-mail (PBM, or Postal Dip), Play-by-Email (PBEM), Webplay (on websites), Play-by-Forum (PBF) and on a couple of Dip apps. Most of my play is now Webplay, on Playdiplomacy (mainly), webDiplomacy or Backstabbr.

I've been writing about Diplomacy for a number of years. I've been published in The Diplomatic Pouch and Diplomacy World in the past, although under a different name to the one I use for all things Diplomacy these days. I have a number of projects under the Diplomaticon Publishing banner.

I've called myself EiC simply because I'm hoping that, in time, I'll need to expand the staff. Wishful thinking!