Project Experience

  1. An IoT Device

    • In this project, three nordicNRF52 board, raspberry pi, accelerometer sensor, humidity sensor and temperature sensor were used. Also, bluetooth mesh network was implemented to see the performance of BLE 5.0 in the mesh network.

    • RSSI was used for localization ThingSpeak platform for uploading and analyzing data in cloud

  2. Binary Counter using Zybo Board

    • Zybo Zynq7000 board was used and backtracking algorithm included in the counter by which it was possible to count ascending and descending by encountering an interrupt

    • Xilinx Vivado was used to develop the software and hardware part for this project.

  3. Dependencies and Multiprocessors

    • Model a complete real time scheduling system with multitasks, shared resources, buffer and task dependencies using Cheddar and GRIF software

  4. A binary follows me Robot

    • Using iCASA a GUI developed on java, pervasive applications with a simulated environment it was possible to implement pervasive applications

    • Also, the users were notified of any modification in the system

  5. Functional Verification of an Arbiter Design

    • VHDL, OVL and PSL were used for this arbiter design to verify the characteristics of the arbiter and how efficient they were

  6. Free RTOS using real-time kernels

    • Targeted on ARM Cortex M3, using GRIF it was possible to experiment on real-time scheduling, mutex, semaphores, priority inversion and the protocols such as priority inheritance protocol

    • Cheddar a GPL real-time scheduling simulator was also included to model the real-time system concerning the reliability and accessibility of the system

  7. Wireless transmission using software-defined radio

    • FM transmission using USRP B200 was performed to distinguish how embedded software works in this platform and the time of execution

  8. Introduction to Correlation Power Analysis

    • STM32 NUCLEOF103RB-64 board was conducted to introduce the correlation power analysis (CPA) focusing on the attack based on the maximum leakage

    • Then interfacing of the AES on the computer using MATLAB

  9. Modeling, analysis and simulation of Multiphysics systems

    • Designing of a multi-physics system, propose a scenario to simulate and building the Bond Graph model of the chosen system uisng MatLab

  10. Android Controlled Robot

    • By using Arduino Uno, bluetooth HC-06 module and motor driver LM298 this robot was built which was controlled from 20m distance approximately using android mobile.

  11. Smart Home Automation

    • SIM900 GSM shield was integrated with Arduino uno for the development and using this project, it was possible to switch ON/OFF the light, fan and other electrical devices from anywhere outside of the home using the command from sim card through mobile

  12. Fire Distinguisher and Location Tracking

    • Smoke detector, Neo 6M V2 GPS module, Arduino uno and bluetooth HC-06 were used for this project. The gps tracker was enabled and sent the data though bluetooth when the smoke was detected. The data was displayed in the android phone.