In this section, I would like to provide ideas and solutions for common practical problems encountered frequently in research labs, which are seldom reported in the literature. 

Real-time image processing in MATLAB/Python

Over the years of research, I have developed many useful codes, written in MATLAB for image processing used widely for Quantitative Biology and Real-time Object Tracking.

Please drop me an email if you want to have the codes.

Track the sweat in real-time and calculate sweat rate in a wearable sensor (MATLAB)

High-speed camera techniques

My setup is mounted on an optical table using Thorlabs optomechanical components.  An Optem zoom lens system (12.5:1) was attached to a Photron FASTCAM, enabling us to record droplets vibrating at a million times per second.  The background is an inverted epi-fluorescent microscope (Nikon Eclipse TE2000-S). I worked, and hid in this crazy corner for my 5-year Ph.D. research.

How to prepare a beautiful manuscript by LATEX 

I have a habit of preparing my manuscripts/reports/thesis in LATEX. I found that the results are much more beautiful and professional than in conventional ways. Working in LATEX typesetting, I love manuscripts more and want to make every single figure more "beautiful". Personally, I think the reviewers also like reading such a nice, clear, error-free manuscript like me. The followings are two templates I have worked on recently. You can use them for your next publications.

Please drop me an email if you want to have other templates. I can spend some time customizing a version for you.