
About me



Google Scholar

I am a research scientist. Before joining Google, I worked on wearable sensors and health data science at Johns Hopkins University. Visit my Professional Experience and Publications to know more about my past research.

I completed my Ph.D. in Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) at Nanyang Technological University Singapore in 2015. I was very fortunate to have Prof. Nam-Trung Nguyen and Prof. Charles Yang Chun as my advisors. After that, I spent almost three years at National University of Singapore as a postdoctoral fellow. I received my B.E. in Mechanical Engineering (major in Robotics) with a Honor University Medal from Vietnam National University - HCMUT.

You can connect to me on LinkedIn and collaborate with me on GitHub.  Besides research, I love photography. I served in MAE Graduate Students' Club, Nanyang Technological University Singapore as a professional photographer, who was responsible for taking photos at cultural exchange events. Enjoy my works on Flickr here.

In Vietnamese, the proper spelling of my name order is Phan Đình Tuấn, and people call me shortly as Tuấn /twuən/.







Recent activities

25 Oct 2017, Georgia, US: MicroTAS 2017, Oral Presentation entitled "Real-time ATP monitoring in human serum by a nanofluidic device integrated with an aptamer sensor".

27 Jul 2018, Bugis, Singapore: Group lunch with Dr. Chen Chia-Hung's lab. We had good time together for delicious foods and friendship.

17 May 2018, California, US: It was great to attend Medical Wearables 2018 for good connections and fascinating talks. One UK-US company showed their interest on my portable device and open a possibility for potential collaborations.