AI4MEN Research Group

The AI for Mobile Edge Networks (AI4MEN) Research Group, led by A/Prof. Hoang Dinh, operates within the School of Electrical and Data Engineering (SEDE) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Established in 2018 by Dr. Dinh, the group has made remarkable contributions to the field of applied AI for networking, communications, computing, and cybersecurity. Our accomplishments over the past five years demonstrate their excellence, including a patent filed by Apple Inc., three books, eight book chapters, and an impressive portfolio of nearly 80 IEEE Q1 journals and over 60 flagship IEEE conference papers in the domain of communications and networking. Most of our journal papers have been published in esteemed IEEE journals like IEEE JSAC, IEEE TWC, IEEE COMST, and IEEE TMC. The group's efforts have been rewarded with more than AUD 3 million in external funding since 2018, as well as several prestigious accolades such as the Australian Research Council Discovery, Intel, DSTG, and Google grants. Moreover, we have received noteworthy recognition, including  the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing for Contributions to "Intelligent Mobile Edge Computing Systems," the IEEE Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award 2023, the IEEE Asia-Pacific Board (APB) Outstanding Paper Award 2022, and the UTS Vice Chancellor's Awards for Research Excellence 2022.

Research Group Members

Group Leader

A/Prof. Hoang Dinh

1) Students are under my principal supervision

Ph.D. students:

Master by Research students:

2) Students are under my co-supervision

Ph.D. students:

3) Graduated Students

Students under my principal or direct supervision:

Students under my co-supervision:

Students' Achievements

Ph.D. Students:

Undergraduate Students: