Lab Photos

Rasanie Padmathileke and Canola Plant

Dr. Z. Zou busy doing PCR

A few of the lab members in 2018

At APS with scientists from Brazil

At APS with Prof. Carolee Bull

Fernando Lab 2019

Group of Lab members in 2019

James Tucker - PhD student

Keynote in Intl. Mycotoxin Conf. Wuhan China 2018

With my professors and student at the University of Peradeniya January 2020

with my new students and my family on January 1, 2020

Enjoying the Malt! In Inner Mongolia, China

With Chinese Academics in China

Ziqin Li in a canola field in China

Ziqin Li giving a Talk

Ziqin Li in Fernando Lab

As Dean, St. Paul's College, U of M

With my students at 2018 CPS

Fernando Lab at PPSA 2018

With Researchers of AAFC

With Blackleggers in France

Visiting Eastern Canadian Chapter of CPS in NFLD as CPS President

With Blackleg Researchers in France

In Uzbekistan at Intl PGPR Conf

With keynote speakers at ICPP 2018

2019 - Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu

With Prof. Naveen Arora and Family from India