University of Manitoba -Fernando Lab

Plant Pathology - Host-Pathogen Interactions

As Dean of St. Paul's College 2017

Year graduated from my BSc

Covid Look 2020


Dean of Studies, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba

Professor, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada

Tel: 204-474-8577 & 204-474-6072

Google Scholar:

Links to Research Publications:

Outstanding Research Citation: CJPP:


Dean of Studies- 2017 to present, St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba

Full Professor - 2006 to present, University of Manitoba

Adjunct Professor – 2018 to present, Centre for Crop Health, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana, Kandy, Sri Lanka 2019 to date

Visiting Academic Professor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 2016

Adjunct Professor- Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, Canada 2011-2015

Associate Professor - 2002-2006, University of Manitoba

Assistant Professor - 1998-2002, University of Manitoba

Research Associate/ Post-Doctoral positions from 1991-1998 at McGill University, Quebec, Canada, University

of Arizona, USA, Michigan State University, USA and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada.


PhD. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA in Plant Pathology

MSc University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in Microbiology

BSc (Hons) University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in Botany


2020 CPS Award for Outstanding Research, Canadian Phytopathological Society

2019 University of Manitoba Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research and Service

2019 Fellow, American Phytopathological Society, USA

2019 Highest award for exemplary contributions to Biocontrol and PGPR Research

2018 President, Canadian Phytopathological Society

2017 Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award - University of Manitoba

2017 Eminent Visiting Scientist Scheme Award –University of Southern Queensland, Australia

2017 President-Elect, Canadian Phytopathological Society (President, CPS 2018/19)

2016 Vice President - Canadian Phytopathological Society (President Elect 2017/18)

2016 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Fellowship

2011 University of Manitoba Merit Award in the Combination Category for Excellence in Teaching,

Research and Service

2010 University of Manitoba Merit Award in the Combination Category

2009 University of Manitoba Merit Award for Excellence in Research

2008 Mentor Award from Sanofi-Aventis Canada for training junior-high, high school students

2007 UN Expert to Sri Lanka– invited by UNDProgram as an international consultant

2007 Excellence in Science and Innovation MindSet award Province of Manitoba Award

2006 University of Manitoba Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award – one for the whole university among

all faculties and given at the annual convocation of the university.

2006 USDA Spot Award of Excellence for Research on Sclerotinia

2006 Lifetime Achievement Award – Sri Lanka Foundation, Los Angeles, USA

2006 University of Manitoba Outreach Award for Service to the wider community

2006 University of Manitoba Merit Award for Excellence in Research

2005 Honorary Professorship from Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

2004 University of Manitoba Merit Award for Excellence in Research

Ten other international and national awards, scholarships and fellowships.

COMPLETED GRADUATE STUDENTS: PhD students: 13 Masters Students: 14

PRESENTLY IN THE LAB: PhD students: 3; MSc. Students: 4

MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS: in both basic and applied natural sciences research.

SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS [citations 4885 h-index: 39; i10-index: 98

PROJECTS AND FUNDS: Over $ 38 million including the largest NSERC-CRD for agriculture ($ 3.6 M).


International/National Editorships:

Editor, Plant Pathology (UK) 2011 to date

Editor, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017 to date

Editor in Chief PLANTS (Switzerland) 2011 to date

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science 2018 to date

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Microbiology 2018 to date

Editor (International Advisory), Ceylon Journal of Science 2016 to date

Editor, International Journal of Molecular Science, 2013 to date

Editor, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 2016 to date

Guest Editor, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015 to 2016

Guest Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014 to 2016

Guest Editor, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2014 to 2016

International Committees:

Chair, Workshops, Scientific Programs Board of American Phytopathological Society, 2004-2007.

Chair, APS, Joint Committee of Women in Plant Pathology and Cultural Diversity, 2003-2004.

Chair, American Phytopathological Society, Cultural Diversity Committee, 2001-2002.

National Committees:

President Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) 2018-19

Past-President Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) 2019-20

President-Elect, Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) 2017-18

Vice President, Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS) 2016-17

Treasurer, Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS), 2002-2004, re-elected 2005-2007.

CPS Executive Board, 2002-2004, re-elected 2005-2007; 2016-2020.

Member, CPS, Financial Advisory Committee, 2000-2003, and 2004-2007.

Member, Expert Committee on Diseases of Oilseed Crops, Canada, 1999-2002, 2002-2005.

Member, Executive Board, Plant Canada 2016 - present

University Committees:

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Grants. - Review Panel Member

University Collaborative Research Program (UCRP) – Review committee member

University Indigenous Research Program (UIRP) - Review committee member

South Asia Regional Advisory committee of the International Advisory Council of the U. Manitoba

Disciplinary Committee, Faculty of Graduate Studies, U. Manitoba

Faculty of Arts, Disciplinary Committee, University of Manitoba

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 6 courses: Three undergraduate, Two graduates and one diploma. Presently teach

PLNT7480 Epidemiology of Plant Disease; PLNT 4270 Plant Disease Control; PLNT3570 Fundamentals of

Plant Pathology; PLNT0780 Plant Disease Management.

CREATIVITY: Developed 38 canola and HEAR cultivars with excellent blackleg resistance (with codevelopers)

(1) the world’s first HEAR hybrid HYHEAR1; and (2) world’s first Roundup-Ready HEAR


HR 101, conventional high erucic acid rapeseed.Supported for registration March, 2004. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HR102, conventional high erucic acid rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HR102, conventional high erucic acid rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HR202, conventional high erucic acid rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

RRHR702, HT Rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

RRHR802, HT Rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

RRHR902, HT Rapeseed.2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

RRHR1402, HT Rapeseed. 2005. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

99LL120, low linolenic acid canola (B. napus L.). Supported for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. R. Scarth, P.B.E. McVetty, W.G.D. Fernando.

99LL120, low linolenic acid canola (B. napus L.). Supported for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. R. Scarth, P.B.E. McVetty, W.G.D. Fernando.

HR499, high erucic acid rapeseed. Recommended for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HRA199BX, HT high erucic acid rapeseed. Recommended for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HRC399BX, HT high erucic acid rapeseed. Recommended for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

HRD499BX, HT high erucic acid rapeseed. Recommended for registration March 21, 2002. Developed by Drs. P.B.E. McVetty, R. Scarth, W.G.D. Fernando.

Was a collaborator with Drs. Peter McVetty and Rachael Scarth in developing two low-lin (candidates 97LL105, 97LL121), and two high-erucic acid (candidates HR197, HR 697) canola and rapeseed cultivars respectively, that received registration in Canada in February 2000. Three new cultivars were recommended for registration in February 2001 by WCCRRC.

INVITED SPEAKER/KEYNOTE AND GUEST PROFESSOR: Numerous times. 2019 (3 keynote; 2 invited)

2018 (3 keynote, 1 plenary) 2017 (keynote 2; invited 8) 2016 (keynote 4; invited 7) 2015: keynote speaker 2;

invited speaker 6; 2014: keynote: 2; invited; 7; 2013: keynote 1; invited 5; 2012: keynote:1 invited:3; 2009-2011:

7 keynote talks at international meetings in USA, Australia, China, Korea and India. Gave a total of 88 invited

lectures or keynote talks, over the course of last 10 years, mostly international.

TRAINING OF HQP: 110 in last 20 years

PUBLICATIONS: Book chapters – 14; Peer reviewed publications – 158

1. Papers in symposia proceedings – 88; abstracts in journals – 210; extension bulletins –3

Greeting the dawn of 2020 at a Sri Lankan Event with my graduate students & my family

Fernando Lab 2019 - in Lab Coats

2019 Fernando Lab

APS Fellow - Introduction in Cleveland, OH

With APS President and APS Immediate Past President

With Iru at APS Fellow Celebration

With my post doc supervisor Dr. Tim Paulitz and Iru in Cleveland

Handing over the gavel to Dr. Barry Saville (incoming President - CPS) as President of the CPS 2018-2019

With Post Docs Drs. Shuanglong Huang and Abbot Oghenekaro and PhD student Rasanie Padmathileke at Plant Canada Conference 2019

With CPS Board - as President

Outstanding Research Award for PGPR Research - at PGPR international Conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Aug 2019