AI Donggle

2020 - 2021

Introduction Video

인공지능 동글 발표영상(최종).mp4

Character-Based Storytelling

‘AI Donggle’ is made by artificial intelligence and VR/AR technology. It is an VR/AR game which has a story that baby artificial intelligence Donggle grows with Dr. Helly, who is living in a computer world. In this game, the participant can customize the character in ‘Decorating Donggle’ stage and the participant can dance with the customized character in ‘Dancing’ stage. In ‘Catching the Virus’ stage, the us catch the virus by moving Donggle with a left, right, and jump. Children form a consensus with the computer characters by customizing and playing the game with Donggle. Through this process, they can understand and learn how artificial intelligence is used.

Introduction of Character and Story

AI Donggle

Donggle is an artificial intelligence born in a computer world. He can do a lot of things after learning and training, but he does not have any knowledge now. Donggle needs your help to grow up. When he is grown up, he can play and dance with you.

Dr. Helly

Dr. Helly lives in a computer world who helps Donggle to grow. However, he needs your help because there are too many works to do alone. Dr. Helly will teach you how to follow the game.


It is a nasty virus who tries to destroy the computer world. The virus always looks angry and thinks about getting into trouble. We need your help to catch the virus.

Technology Utilized

The 'AI Donggle' project was developed in a Unity 3D-based program using artificial intelligence modules. In 'Decorating Donggle', the item was designed by Blender 3D modeling, and we developed hardware using Arduino and used it when selecting items. In 'Dancing' and ‘Catching the Virus,’ PoseNet-based motion recognition artificial intelligence was used. We implemented AI to recognize the user's motion by using an artificial intelligence model that has learned human body information in advance. When 16 joint trackings was completed by learning human motion, Donggle can follow the human pose. In 'Catching the Virus,’ Teachable Machine and Unity 3D are implemented to enable real-time judgment through serial communication, and it can create customized artificial intelligence models by directly learning artificial intelligence models. With this technology, Donggle can jump left and right along with the user in the game. The 'Donggle Village', where the characters that have finished the game are gathered, was designed and developed using Blender and Unity 3D, and the Naver Cloud LMAP stack was used to share, transmit, and receive data at all stages of the game.

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence VR/AR Content

1. Decorating Donggle

We implemented real-time interaction using Arduino and Unity3D based on physical computing.

When the users press the arrow button, they can look around the accessories. Then, they can customize the head, eyes, nose, and mouth of Donggle with various accessories by pressing the center button.

A pop-up with informational text is displayed at each stage so that participants can recognize the body parts that they are decorating. Also, a finger-shaped pointer was placed in the corresponding body part area of Donggle to create an easier UX.

When the user physically controls the button, the UI of the corresponding button turns yellow to ensure that the physical operation button and the screen operation button are matched

Arduino Input Device Production

An input device sized at each participant's level was used to decorate Donggle, and we support the operation and interaction of the participants through the intuitive configuration and operation method.

동글이 꾸미기.mp4

2. Dancing

In the second stage, 'Dancing', Donggle recognize the participant's pose to control the character, and provide a real-time interactive experience of dancing with the character

To check the motion of the artificial intelligence Donggle that changes according to the movement of the participant, the participant's motion is displayed on the screen in real-time.

Dr. Helly, the voice guide character, presents guidance on the actions that participants can take. It is presented with balloon words and allows participants to concentrate the activities step by step.


3. Catching the Virus

In the third stage, ‘Catching the Virus’, the pose of a participant is recognized and classified to move the character from side to side or jump. It provides a real-time interactive experience to the user by catching the virus.

By outputting the motion according to the user's movement in real-time at the center of the screen, the user can easily recognize the results of their actions.

Also, when the user catches the virus, the system outputs special visual effects and sound effects for audio-visual fun.

How to Play

You can jump by spreading your arms and legs.

When you raise your right arm and right leg, Donggle moves to the right.

When you raise your left arm and left leg, Donggle moves to the left.

If you come to attention, Donggle can move forward.

You can catch the virus by approaching it.

When stones and rocks appear, you can avoid them by going sideways or jumping.

바이러스 잡기.mp4

4. Going to the Donggle Village

In ‘Going to the Donggle village’, Donggle who has completed the final stage of ‘Catching the Virus’ returns to the Donggle village and lives with the other Donggles made by other participants.

The user can check their customized Donggle village outside, which enhances the bond between the user and the character.

동글이 마을.mp4

Space Design

Booth Design

By creating a closed space and image on the entire wall through a beam projector, we increase the concentration of the users. Also, we provided a space for the guardian and staff to watch and displayed the moving line with the sheet to induce a smooth experience.

Wall Design

A simple explanation of the character is inserted to induce the interest of the user. Also, we inserted content description, learning image, and the image explaining the principle of artificial intelligence on the sidewall so that the user can experience the learning content right away.