6 Steps

1. Social Media Literacy

Case studies on negative and positive social media cases

Tips on the use of social media - Creation of students’ dos and don’ts through a poll

2. ICT Literacy – learning through blogs, social networking, online educational communities

Workshop: in-depth activities on source evaluation

Simulation and exercises on dissecting news sources

3. Online Learning and Team-working – collaborating in flipped classrooms

Workshop: advantages and disadvantages of Flipped Classroom approach, sharing good practices.

Seminar: new strategies to improve learning and teaching activities

Elaboration of a manual for using collaborative tools and flipped classroom approach

4. E-safety protecting users against dangerous online activities

Survey on e-safety

Students’ contribution to e-safety through comics, posters, Powerpoints

Creation of the e-safety symbol

Creation of the Kahoot survey

5. Media Literacy – improving knowledge about copyright and responsibilities

Research and case study on the digital footprint

Production of a collaborative document on users’ responsibilities on the net

Creation of a webpage and its Creative Common License

Digital portfolio as a final task

6. Information Literacy – combining information from multiple source, to evaluate information

Case studies: how fake news can affect and influence the way we live

Practical exercises to detect fake news