
The Hackaton is a bottom-up event, an un-conference of sorts. We will rely on spontaneous organizing around a number of research challenges. At the networking lunch on the 20th people will make initial commitments to working on one or several specific research challenges. However during the event we expect people to circulate in between groups as their competences might be required in different places. Each research challenge will be held together by an organizer who is responsible for managing and coordinating the work process and coordinating the production of a final presentation and a final data set.

The schedule is as follows:

19 June

20.00 ,Jamon, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, 9 ( )

Informal aperitivo (for those who have already arrived)

20 June

10-12 am, Complesso San Marcellino ( )


Presentation of data sets and research challenges

12-15, Jamon, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, 9 ( )

Networking lunch (Colazione di lavoro)

15-19, Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, vico Monte della Pieta 1, ( )

Discussion of research strategies

20.30 Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, 9 ( )


21.30, Osteria Atri, via Atri 22 ( )


21 June

9-19, Hub Tim WCamp, Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Napoli NA ( )

The actual hackaton

(We will provide a list of suitable places to keep working after 19 when the university closes)

13 Colazione di lavoro

22 June

10-14, CESMA, Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Napoli NA ( )

Presentation and discussion of research results
