
June 2018 - Adi Kuntsman and Imogen Rattle, 'Is the Digital Sustainable: shifting away from digital solutionism', Sustainability Science and Technology: Conflicts and Contradictins, STS SYmposium.

Dec 2017 - Adi Kuntsman and Esperanza Miyake, 'Digital Disengagement as a Right and Privilege: challenges and socio-political possibilities of refusal in dataised times', Slow computing: A workshop on resistance in the algorithmic age

Nov 2017 - Adi Kuntsman and Esperanza Miyake, 'Meeting, Living with, and Refusing Data: "opting out" as a conceptual and political standpoint', Digital Culture Meets Data: Critical Approaches

Oct 2017 - Adi Kuntsman and Esperanza Miyake, 'Un-networked? Digital Disengagement as a right, a privilege, a currency', Association of Internet Researchers: Networked Publics