Digital Design

Our Digital Design Course is composed of three disciplines graphic design, anime and animation to expose our learners to a variety of artistic expressions that can be produced using their electronic devices. Our Digital Design Course was created & written by Ms. T. Upon completion of all required coursework scholars will be provided with certification.

***Certifications issued by our network do not expire

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is the combining of text and pictures to utilized as advertisements in the media, magazines, billboards, online and more.


Anime is a Japanese art style that has been in existance since the early 20th century, although it was previously used to keep nations separated, it is now an artform that has brought nations together.


Animation is both the art of being alive, as well as, the illusion of movement. Animation is a great tool that is used in our daily lives to entertain and inform us of the world around that we share together.