Best Social Media Marketing Company in Chennai

Social media analytics 101: The data that matters most

Consumer data, behaviour, and conversions should inform marketing decisions. Social media marketing and analytics have many categories to study, so getting lost is easy. Analyze profiles, target audience, rivals and web traffic on social networks. Social listening data is added to audience information. In an ideal world, every marketing choice would be based on customer data, behaviour, etc. Get help from Digital SEO, the best social media marketing company in Chennai, offering high-quality digital marketing strategies.

A Brief on Social Media Analytics

Sellers do not always have this information. Social media marketers are perhaps the luckiest: they get the most data about their customers, performance, and marketing opportunities. There is a drawback. It's easy to get lost in the vastness of social media analytics.

Social networks offer a thousand different categories when examining your triumphs and failures. Your own social media metrics are only half the story: your rivals and customers are on social media too, and it would be irresponsible to ignore their data.

So you need to write a monthly report (quarterly/annual/campaign), but you're not sure what facts to highlight. Hence this article. We'll cover the most significant data elements for your profiles, target audience, competition, and social media site traffic. First, your own page. Usually, you will start with your own pages and articles.

Social networks have these insights built into them, so you can easily access them. Second, these insights lead to quick action: Since you manage your Pages and posts, you can adjust your social media strategy right away. Facebook has more than 150 data points, and others are close behind. What metrics should you track?

Your follow-up should be based on your goals. Grow your audience? Follow and like. Are you augmenting video to increase conversions? Your time. There are key KPIs that every social media manager should monitor. They show the success of your campaign on social media. Why?

All You Need to Know About Followers (Subscribers, Likes)

When someone follows you, they are interested in your long-term success. But followers aren't the only indicator of audience size. The number of followers indicates how fast your audience is growing.

Facebook has Likes and Followers to measure audience size. Likes mean support for the brand and a willingness to follow your updates. The followers, subscribers, likes, followers, etc., show the size of your audience, but they mean several things. This metric is on your profile. Check Insights or Analytics to see changes over time.


Reach, just like impressions or views, is another essential audience stat. Impressions are often higher than reach, as they measure how many people viewed your content. If followers/subscribers represent your engaged audience, reach reveals your potential audience or how many people may be interested in your business.

Reach, and impressions are commonly expressed in two ways: general reach and post-specific reach. Most social media algorithms show people things they would enjoy, so it's rare to reach the wrong audience. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow you to view metrics for posts and profiles.


Reactions (likes), comments, and shares measure engagement. They are all signs of acceptance from the crowd. Reactions mean people agree with your article, comments mean they want to start a discussion, and shares mean people want others to see it.

Your engagement data will also note click-throughs or how many people clicked on your links. We will explore this measure in the traffic section of the article. This template will allow you to track your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram numbers. Different tabs are needed to track metrics based on initial or average statistics. Start measuring your success on social media by adding your own data.

An Overview of Your Audience on Social Media

Many social media managers simply check your profile data, but that's only part of the analysis. Social listening data analysis is another element of social media analysis. Social listening data is what you study to learn more about your target audience than their follower count, engagement, and reach.

Social listening data are less accessible than personal measurements. Various social listening technologies exist for various demands and budgets. You will obtain demographic, psychographic and behavioural data through social listening technologies.


Feel free to get in touch with a professional social media marketing company in Chennai, like Digital SEO, if you want your website to excel in a short duration.

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