
For Prospective Students,

We are looking for highly motivated students with responsibility and decency who are interested in financial innovation to understand the digital financial market through data-based analysis and mathematical modeling. If interested, please carefully read the information below.



Applicants are better to receive permission from the director for joining the lab before applying to the graduate school

    • Send an e-mail with your CV and transcript to the director (minhyuk.lee@pusan.ac.kr)

        • Deadline: Two weeks before the beginning of the application process for admission

    • Receive permission for joining the lab via email (Interview process with the director can be included)

Degree Requirements

[Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, 경영학박사]

  • Coursework

      • Ph.D.: 36 credits (w/ MS coursework & at least 18 credits from Digital Finance major classes)

  • Quals: Four topics from Business Administration major classes (must be completed at least a semester before the Pre-lim) & English

  • Dissertation Requirements (pre-conditions for each phase)

      • Pre-lim: ① Quals passed, ② At least 1 paper accepted in a renowned journal (SCIE, SSCI) as the first author

      • Defense: ① Dissertation draft completed, ② At least 1 accepted paper and 1 submitted paper in a renowned journal (SCIE, SSCI) as the first author

[Master of Arts in Business Administration, 경영학석사]

  • Coursework

      • MA: 30 credits (at least 15 credits from Digital Finance major classes)

  • Quals: Three topics from Business Administration major classes (must be completed a semester before the thesis defense) & English

  • Thesis Requirements:

      • Pre-conditions for defense: ① Quals passed, ② At least 1 paper accepted in a renowned journal (KCI, SCOPUS, SCIE, SSCI) as the first author

Code of Conduct

[Weekly Lab Meeting]

  • The day of the week will be decided at the beginning of each semester and vacation.

  • Participation is mandatory!

[Stipends & Incentives]

  • The modest amount will be guaranteed as a base stipend based on research grants (e.g., NRF, BK, RA, TA, etc).

  • Students engaged in projects will be compensated in proportion to their contributions and participation rates.