

[Apr-26] Jaeuk Lee wins '24년 DB금융경제 공모전(DB FEC)' | DB김준기문화재단 

[Mar-4] Undergraduate interns entered the M.A. program

[Feb-23] Completion of the M.A. degree programs

[Jan-11] Dahoon Jeong wins '23년 D-테스트베드 사업' | 금융위원회, 핀테크지원센터 (https://fsc.go.kr/no010101/81448)

[Jan-01] New undergraduate student joined the lab


[Dec-04] Dahoon Jeong and  Jaewook Lee win 2nd place and Bloomberg award in '2023 NH 투자증권 빅데이터 경진대회, “블룸버그, 나스닥과 함께 세계속으로!" ' | NH투자증권, Bloomberg, Nasdaq, Dacon (https://www.pinpointnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=230355)

[Aug-25] Completion of the M.A. degree program

[Aug-09] Jaewook Lee wins 2nd place and Jeoungeun YU, Dahoon Jeong win 3rd place in '2023 미래내일일경험 청년주도 프로젝트형' | 대한상공회의소, 고용노동부, (주)두원잡

[Aug-01] New undergraduate student joined the lab

[Jul-01] New undergraduate students joined the lab

[Apr-01] New undergraduate students joined the lab

[Feb-24] Completion of the M.A. degree programs


[Mar-01] New student joined the lab

[Feb-21] Jeongmin Lee win '제1회 부산 지역산업 발전 로드맵 경진대회' | 부산지역선도대학사업본부


[Dec-03] Heeseok Kwon wins 1st place and Woogeon Kim, Jeongmin Lee, Yumin Lee win 2nd place in 'Design Thinking' project | International Forum of Digital Finance, 부산대학교 BK21 디지털금융 교육연구단

[Sep-01] Yumin Lee and Heeseok Kwon win '제2회 인공지능·블록체인 기술사업화 아이디어 경진대회' | 정보통신산업진흥원

[Jun-01] Win a government research grant | National Research Foundation of Korea

[Apr-01] External appointment

[Mar-01] Four new students joined the lab


[Oct-01] Start an industry research project | Busan Finance Center

[Oct-01] Receive an internal research fund | Pusan National University

[Sep-01] Appointment & Opening of the Lab