
In conclusion, the space and culture is different in every gym. These factors play a big role when it comes to how people choose what gym they wish to attend and if they would feel comfortable being there and working out. For a gyms environment to be great it should be open, spacious, with bold features, lots of amenities, safe, and definitely clean. "A bad training environment can quickly ruin a good workout, no matter how committed you are to your training routine (Schuler, 2018)." This research project was completed in order to satisfy requirements for our Human Experience 2010 course at Augusta University and to answer the following question: How do the environments of gyms affect or influence the fitness culture of gym-goers?

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Falyn Parker Gavin Ladara Danaysha Tuner Charlie Bogardus

Role: Project Managr Role: Project Editor Role: Web Designer Role: Lead ResearcherMajor: Biology Major: Clinical Lab Science Major: Accounting Major: Biology
