Project IV 2024-2025: Analysis of Boolean functions


Imagine you are in a room with a light bulb that is controlled by many switches. Each switch can be either in an ‘on’ or ‘off’ position, and the combination of all these switches determines whether the light bulb is lit or not. Let's say you want to understand how this system works, and how the switches interact with each other. Natural questions could be:

The analysis of Boolean functions is essentially the study of switch configurations in an abstract setting. This has become an indispensable tool in many areas such as:

The goal of this project is to explore various techniques in the study of Boolean functions (Fourier analysis on hypercubes, influence and noise stability, hypercontractivity, invariance principles, etc.) and how they may be applied in different problems.


The project lies at the intersection of analysis and probability. 2H Probability II and 3H Analysis III are essential. 
