
Intuitionistic logic including relationship with intuitionistic formalized theories, Intermediate Logics, Subintuitionistic logics, Minimal Logics;Well-partial orderings; Modal Logic; Provability Logic, Interpretability Logic; Formal Learning Theory.


1. Onderzoekingen over de intuitionistische propositielogica. Master’s thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1964.

2. (with A.S. Troelstra) On the connection of partially ordered sets with some pseudo-Boolean Algebras. Indag. Math., no.3, 1966.

3. Essay on I-valuations, In Braffort and van Scheepen eds., Automation in Language Translation and Theorem Proving: Some Applications of Mathematical Logic, pp.263-267, Commiss. Europ. 1968.

4. Investigations on the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus, Doctoral thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison,Wisconsin, 1968.

5. (with D.M. Gabbay) A Sequence of Decidable Finitely Axiomatizable Intermediate Logics with the Disjunction Property. Technical Reports, Vol. 35, U.S. Office of Naval Research Information Systems Branch, 1969.

6. The Maximality of the Intuitionistic Predicate calculus with respect to Heyting’s Arithmetic. Manuscript, Buffalo, NY, 1969.

7. A Characterization of the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus. In Intuitionism and Proof theory, Proceedings of the Buffalo 1968 Conference, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1970.

8. (translation Dutch-English, in cooperation with S. de Jongh-Kearl) E.W. Beth, A Survey of Modern Logic, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1971.

9. (with D.A. Ehrenfeucht, J. Geiser and C.E. Gordon) Semantics for noniterated local observation. Manuscript, 1971.

10. Formulas of One Propositional Variable in Intuitionistic Arithmetic. In Reports 73-03. Mathematisch Instituut, Roetersstraat 15, Amsterdam, June 1973.

11. (with D.M. Gabbay) A Sequence of Decidable Intermediate Logics with the Disjunction Property, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol.39, pp.67-78, 1974.

12. (with C. Smorynski) Kripke Models and the Intuitionistic Theory of Species. Annalsof Mathematical Logic, Vol.9, pp. 157-186, 1976.

13. (with R. Parikh) Well-partial Orderings and Hierarchies. In Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, series A, vol.80, 1977.

14. A Class of Intuitionistic Connectives. In J. Barwise, H.J. Keisler and K. Kunen eds., The Kleene Symposium, pp. 103-111, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.

15. (with J. van Benthem, J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof en H. Verkuyl, under the name: Gamut) Logica, Taal en Betekenis, Boek 1, Inleiding in de Logica.Aula Paperback no. 76, Spectrum, Utrecht, 1982.

16. (with J. van Benthem, J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof en H. Verkuyl under the name: Gamut) Logica, Taal en Betekenis, Boek 2, Intensionele Logica en Logische Grammatica. Aula Paperbacks no. 77, Spectrum, Utrecht, 1982.

17. Formulas of one Propositional Variable in Intuitionistic Arithmetic. In Troelstra en van Dalen eds., Brouwer Centenary Symposium, pp.51-64, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.

18. (with K.A. Bowen) Some Complete Logics for Branched Time Part I. ITLI Prepublication Series 86-05, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Amsterdam, 1986.

19. (editor, together with J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof) Foundations of Pragmatics and Lexical Semantics. Groningen-Amsterdam Studies in Semantics (GRASS) no.7, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1987.

20. (editor, together with J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof) The Theory of Generalized Quantifiers and the Theory of Discourse Representation. GroningenAmsterdam Studies in Semantics (GRASS) no.8, Foris Publications, Dordrecht, 1987.

21. A Simplification of a Completeness proof of Guaspari and Solovay. Studia Logica, 46, pp.193-203, 1987.

22. (with F. Montagna) Generic Generalized Rosser Fixed Points. Studia Logica, 46, pp.187-192, 1987.

23. (with F. Montagna) Provable Fixed Points. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., Bd. 35, pp.229-250, 1988.

24. (with F. Montagna) Much Shorter Proofs. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., Bd. 35, pp.247-260, 1989.

25. (with F. Veltman) Provability Logics for Relative Interpretability. In P.Petkov ed., Mathematical Logic, Proceedings of the Heyting 1988 Summer School in Varna, Bulgaria, pages 31–42. Plenum Press, Boston, 1990.

26. (with A. Visser) Explicit Fixed Points in Interpretability Logic. Studia Logica, Vol. 50, pp. 39-50, 1991.

27. (with M. Jumelet en F. Montagna) On the Proof of Solovay’s Theorem. Studia Logica, Vol. 50, pp. 51-70, 1991.

28. (with F. Montagna) Rosser orderings and Free Variables. Studia Logica, Vol. 50, pp. 71-80, 1991.

29. (with J.F.A.K. van Benthem, J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof and H. Verkuyl under the name: Gamut) Logic, Language and Meaning, Books 1 and 2. Chicago University Press (reviewed and enlarged translation of 11 and 12), 1991.

30. (with A. Hendriks en G.R. Renardel de Lavalette) Computations in Fragments of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning 7, 537-561, 1991.

31. (editor, together with A. Visser) Special issue of Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, devoted to the PIA Symposium (61,1-2), 1993. 32. (with L. Chagrova) The Decidability of Dependency in Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. Journal of Symbolic Logic 60, 498-504, 1995.

33. (with A. Visser, J.F.A.K. van Benthem and G.R. Renardel de Lavallette), NNIL, a Study in Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. In A. Ponse, M. de Rijke and Y. Venema eds., Modal Logic and Process Algebra, a Bisimulation Perspective, pp. 289-326, CSLI Stanford, California. CSLI Lecture Notes no. 53, 1995.

34. (with A. Hendriks) Finitely Generated Magari Algebras and Arithmetic. In A. Ursini and P. Aglian`o eds., Logic and Algebra, 137-160, Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1996.

35. (with M. Kanazawa) Angluin’s Theorem for indexed families of r.e. sets and applications. In Proceedings of the Nineth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 193-204. The Association for Computing Machinery, New York 1996.

36. (with A. Visser) Embeddings of Heyting Algebras. In W. Hodges, M. Hyland, C. Steinhorn and J. Truss, eds., Logic: from Foundations to Applications, European Logic Colloquium, 187-214, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1996.

37. (with Albert Visser) Bisimulations, Model Descriptions And Propositional Quantifiers. Eighth ESSLLI Summer School, Prague, Czech Republic, August 12-23, 1996.

38. (with D. Osherson, E. Martin and S. Weinstein) Formal Learning Theory. In J.F.A.K. van Benthem and A. ter Meulen eds., Handbook of Logic and Language, 737-775. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1997.

39. (with G. Japaridze) The Logic of Provability. In S. Buss, ed., Handbook of Proof Theory, 475-546, North-Holland/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998.

40. (with D. Pianigiani) Solution of a Problem of David Guaspari. In E. Orlowska, ed., Logic at Work, Essays dedicated to the memory of Helena Rasiowa, 246-254, Physica-verlag, Springer, Berlin, 1998.

41. (with P. van Ulsen) Beth’s Non-classical Valuations. In Un Logicien Consciencieux, La Philosophie de Evert Willem Beth, Philosophiae Scientiae, Vol. 3, 279-302, 1999.

42. (with F. Veltman) The Modal Completeness of ILW. In J. Gerbrandy, M. Marx, M. de Rijke and Y. Venema eds., Essays dedicated to Johan van Benthem on his 50th Birthday, CD-ROM JFAK, Vossiuspers Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 1999.

43. (with C. Areces and E. Hoogland) Interpolation, Definability and Fixed Points in Interpretability Logics. In M. Zakharyaschev, K. Segerberg, M. de Rijke and H. Wansing, eds., Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 2, Lecture Notes, pp 53-76, Stanford, Ca, CSLI, 2000.

44. Learning and Grammar. In J.F. Quesada, F.J. Salguero and A. Nepomuceno, eds., Proceedings of the First Workshop on Logic and Language, 2000-2001 in ILL-PR, pp 139-146, Instituto de Lógica, Lenguaje e Información, Un. de Sevilla, Editorial Kronos, Sevilla, 2000.

45. Intuicionismo. In D.M.J. Braquinho, ed., Enciclopédia de Termes LógicoFilosóficos, pp 413-417, Gradiva 2001.

46. (with A. Hendriks) Characterization of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs in Intermediate Logics. In The Journal for the Theory and Practice of Logic programming (TPLP), Vol. 3, pp 259-270, 2003.

47. Volledigheid en onvolledigheid. Afscheidscollege. ILLC-prepublications PP-2004-30, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2004.

48. (with Rosalie Iemhoff and Chunlai Zhou) Properties of intuitionistic provability and preservativity. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 13(6):615–636, November 2005.

49. The Incompleteness Theorems, their content and their meaning. Philosophical Trends, 2006.

50. (with Nick Bezhanishvili) Intuitionistic Logic. Technical Report PP-2006- 26, ILLC, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2006.

51. (with F. Liu) Optimality, Belief and Preference. In S. Artemov and R. Parikh eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on Rationality and Knowledge, ESSLLI, Malaga 2006.

52. (wth G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili) The Kuznetsov-Gerciu and RiegerNishimura logics: The boundaries of the finite model property. Logic and Logical Philosophy, Vol. 17, pp. 73-110, 2008.

53. (with Çigdem Gençer) Unifiability in extensions of K4. Logic Journal of IGPL, 17(2):159–172, April 2009

54. (with Marta Bílková and Joost Joosten) Interpretability in PRA. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 161(2), pp. 128-138, 2009

55. (with Fenrong Liu) Preference, Priorities and Belief. In T. Gr¨une-Yanoff, S. O. Hansson eds., Preference Change, Springer 2009.

56. (with Fan Yang) Jankov’s Theorems for intermediate logics in the setting of universal models. In N. Bezhanishivili et al. Eds., TbiLLC 2009, LNAI 661, par. 8, 53-76, 2011.

57. (with Albert Visser and Rineke Verbrugge) Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh Property. Arch. Math. Logic, Vol. 50, 197-213, 2011.

58. (with G.R. Renardel de Lavalette and A. Hendriks) Intuitionistic Implication without Disjunction. Journal of Logic and Computation, 22(3):375–404, 2012.

59. (with Nick Bezhanishivili) Extendible Formulas in Two variables in Intuitionistic Logic. Studia Logica, Vol. 100, 61-89, 2012.

60. (with Sujata Ghosh) Comparing Strengths of Beliefs explicitly. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2012.

61. (with Nina Gierasimczuk) On the complexity of conclusive update. The Computer Journal, 56(3):365–377, 2013.

62. (with A. Colacito and A. Vargas) Subminimal negation. Soft Comput., 21:165–174, 2017.

63. (with Zhiguang Zhao) Positive formulas in intuitionistic and minimal logic. In 10th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC, Gudauri 2015, volume 10148 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 229–250. Springer, 2017.

64. (with Nick Bezhanishvili, Apostolos Tzimoulis, and Zhiguang Zhao) Universal models for the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic. In H. H. Hansen, editor, 11th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic and Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2015 Revised Selected Papers, pages 229– 250. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10148, 2017.

65. (with Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki) Subintuitionistic Logics with Kripke Semantics. In 11th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2015, LNCS, Volume 10148, pages 333–354. Springer, 2017.

66. (with Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki) Weak Subintuitionistic Logics. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 25(2):214–231, 2017.

67. (with Nick Bezhanishvili) Stable formulas in intuitionistic logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 59(3):307 – 324, 2018. 68. (with Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki) Subintuitionistic Logics and the Implications they Prove. Indagationes Mathematicae, 6(3):1525–1545, 2018.

69. (with Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki) Two neighborhood semantics for Subintuitionistic Logics. In 12th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2017, LNCS, Volume 11456, pages 64–85. Springer, 2019.

70. (with Nick Bezhanishvili and A. Colacito) A study of subminimal logics of negation and their modal companions. In Post-proceedings of TbiLLC 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11456, p. 21-41, Springer, 2019.

71. (with Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki) Binary Modal Companions for Subintuitionistic Logics. Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir, pages 35–52, Springer, February 2021.

72. (with Julia Ilin and Fan Yang) NNIL formulas revisited: universal models and finite model property. Journal of Logic and Computation, 31(2):573–596, March 2021.

73. (with A. de Almeida Borges, Joost Joosten, and Albert Visser) The strictly positive fragment of provability logic for Heyting arithmetic. Manuscript, 2022