Professor, Emeritus, University Of Amsterdam (ILLC), Mathematical and Computational Logic Group.

PhD Students (As Promoter or Co-promoter)

1987 R.C. de Vrijer

1992 R.H. Muskens (Dept. of Philosophy), M. Morreau (Dept. of Philosophy)

1993 R. Verbrugge

1994 D. Zambella, V. Shavrukov

1996 A. Hendriks

1998 N. Rakic (Dept. of Philosophy), S.A. Terwijn

2001 R. Iemhoff, E. Hoogland, K. Sasaki

2004 J. Joosten (Utrecht)

2006 N. Bezhanishvili

2007 Y. Seginer

2008 F. Liu

2009 B. Semmes

2010 N. Gierasimczuk

2016 P. Henk

2020 A. Sandoval

Professional Positions

1961-1963: Research assistantship, Euratom project (director E.W. Beth)

1963-1964: Teaching assistantship, Institute for Foundational Research, U.v.A.

1964-1966: Scholarship American Council of Learned Societies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., U.S.A.

1966-1968: Teaching assistentship, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., U.S.A.

1968-1970: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, U.v.A.

1970-1972: Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, State University of New York at Buffalo, N.Y.

1972-2000: Assistant/associate professor, Department of Philosphy, later De- partment of Mathematics and Computer Science, U.v.A.

1984: During two months visiting professor, Dipartimento di Matematica, Uni- versit`a di Siena. Course on Proof Theory.

2000-2004 Professor, Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

2004– Emeritus Professor, Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, Com- puter Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Recent Talks, Seminars


June 14, Keynote speaker at the First International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic, Salamanca, Teaching Logic in Science and the Humanities. –2001 February 22, Recent Progress in Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus, De- partment of Mathematics, Universit`a di Siena.

August 30, Novikov 100 Conference, Intuitionistic propositional calculus, the results of the last decade.

September 24, 4th Tbilisi Symposium, Borjomi, Intuitionistic propositional cal- culus, the results of the last decade.

December 7, Inria-Lorraine, Nancy, Pseudo-valuations and Splittings: the birth of Beth’s Semantic Tableaux in 1954.


September 22, The Master of Logic Program of the ILLC, Workshop on Education and Training of Work Package 12 of Colognet, Madrid


November 30, Intuitionistic Logic: results of the last decade, ILLC-day, Bonn


July 30, Properties of Intuitionistic Provability and Preservativity Logics, Comblog’04, Lisbon

November 22, Completeness and Incompleteness, Farewell Speech, University of Amsterdam


April, 6 lectures on Intuitionism and on G ̈odel, ILC, Guangzhou, China May 24, Godel’s Theorem, Utrecht


February, The Logic of the Rieger-Nishimura ladder., Moscow, Stekhlov Institute. June21,DerivationRulesinIPCandKleeneslash,IWML06,Ku ̈ltu ̈rU ̈niversitesi, Istanbul,

September 29, the MSc in Logic Programme at the ILLC, SICttL, Salamanca, Spain


February, Dynamics in Knowledge, Belief and Preference, Leicester –2008 January, Intuitionistic Logic and Modal Logic, 3 lectures Logic Days, Lisboa,

March, Learning to Parse, ZAS, Berlin


August, The Dynamics of Knowledge, Belief and Preference, Bogazici University, Istanbul


June, Short Course on Intuitionistic Logic and Provability Logic and Lec- ture Comparing Strengths of Beliefs Explicitly, Tsinghua University, Bejing August, Some applications of Universal Models, AIML 2010, Moscow State Uni- versity, Moscow

October, Short Course on Intiutionistic Logic, Bogazici University, Istanbul –2011 October, Short Course on Epistemic and Doxastic Logic, Bogazici Uni- versity, Istanbul

October, On the Complexity of Conclusive Update, Kultur University, Istanbul


April 17, Extendible Formulas in Two Variables in Intuitionistic Logic, ALCOP 2012, Prague –2013 May 8, Heyting Arithemetic and Intermediate Logic, UCLA, Los Angeles, Ca, USA –2013 May 22, Heyting Arithemetic and Intermediate Logic, Standford University, Ca, USA


PhD: Investigations on the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.,1968.

Adviser: Prof. Stephen C. Kleene

Kandidaatsexamen (bachelor): Leiden 1961, physics with mathematics.

Doctoraalexamen (master): Amsterdam 1964, philosophy with mathematics, cum laude.

Mailing Address



P.O Box 94242

Universiteit van Amsterdam



Tel: 020-525 8246
