

Bibliography of E-Writing Research

This is a bibliography of research publications, including empirical as well as conceptual papers, focused on e-writing and L2 Chinese.

Books and Edited Volumes

Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). (2024). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice [电写时代的汉字教学:理论与实践]. Routledge. (Website) (Amazon)

Journal Articles


Bourgerie, D. S., Cox, T. L., & Riep, S. L. (2023). Does text entry method make a difference on Chinese writing test scores? Chinese as a Second Language, 57(3), 270-297. 

Liao, J. (2023). What skills are being assessed? Evaluating L2 Chinese essays written by hand and on a computer keyboard. Assessing Writing, 57, 100765. 

Zhao, R., Coss, M. D., Ruan, H., Li, B., & Ma, J. (2023). Examining secondary–postsecondary articulation of Chinese language programs: A survey of US college placement procedures. Foreign Language Annals, 56(3), 690-719. 


Lyu, B., Lai, C., Lin, C. H., & Gong, Y. (2021). Comparison studies of typing and handwriting in Chinese language learning: A synthetic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 106. 

Zhang, P. N. (2021). Typing to replace handwriting: Effectiveness of the typing-primary approach for L2 Chinese beginners. Journal of Technology & Chinese Language Teaching, 12(2), 1-28. 


Lu, X., Ostrow, K. S., & Heffernan, N. T. (2019). Save your strokes: Chinese handwriting practice makes for ineffective use of instructional time in second language classrooms. AERA Open, 5(4), 1-15. 

Zhang, Q., & Min, G. (2019). Chinese writing composition among CFL learners: A comparison between handwriting and typewriting. Computers and Composition, 54, 102522. 


Zhu, Y., Mark Shum, S. K., Brian Tse, S. K., & Liu, J. J. (2016). Word-processor or pencil-and-paper? A comparison of students' writing in Chinese as a foreign language. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(3), 596-617. 


Kang, H. (2011). Computer-based writing and paper-based writing: A study of beginning-level and intermediate-level Chinese learners’ writing (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).


Feng, Y., & Yang, Q. (2013).试论电脑输入汉字在北美高校汉语教学中的实施原则 [Principles of Implementing Computerized Chinese Character Input in Chinese Language Teaching in North American Universities]. 汉语国际传播研究 [Chinese Language Globalization Studies], (1), 33-40.


Allen, J. R. (2008). Why learning to write Chinese is a waste of time: A modest proposal. Foreign Language Annals, 41(2), 237-251. 


Xu, P., & Jen, T. (2005). Penless Chinese language learning: A computer-assisted approach. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 40(2), 25-42.

Book Chapters


Chu, C. (2024). The Evolution of Hanzi Proficiency and the E-Writing Transformation of L2 Chinese Instruction in the Digital Age [汉字能力的历史嬗变和二语中文教学“电写为主” 的时代变革]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge.

Coss, M. D. (2024). The E-Writing Approach to L2 Chinese Instruction: Clarifying Fundamental Principles and Core Concepts [二语中文教学的“电写为主、笔写为辅”模式:基本原理与核心概念].  In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Coss, M. D. (2024). Towards a Curricularized Approach to L2 Hanzi Teaching and Learning [电写模式下的汉字教学系统化方案初探]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge.

Coss, M. D. (In press). The E-writing Approach to L2 Chinese Pedagogy: Educational Imperative and Empirical Evidence. In C. Osborne, Q. Zhang, & D. Wang (Eds.), Teaching Chinese characters: Expert insights on current trends and future directions.. Palgrave Macmillan.

Da, J., Wang, Y., & Yin, C. (2024). Voice-Writing Hanzi Using Speech-to-Text Technology for L2 Chinese Learning and Instruction: An Exploratory Study [二语中文教学中使用语音识别技术声写汉字初探]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Hu, X., & He, W. W. (2024). Computerized Chinese to Promote the Three Modes of Communication in an Intermediate Level L2 Chinese Class [“电脑中文”如何促进二语中文中级班学生三种沟通模式的提高]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Lu, X., Ostrow, K., Yang, Q., & Heffernan, N. (2024). Save Your Strokes: Further Studies on the Efficiency of Learning Chinese Words Without Hand-Writing [电写代替手写—对二语中文学习者词汇识别效率的进一步研究]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Wang, Q., & Wang, H-N. (2024). E-Writing Based Pedagogy to Advance Chinese Language Learning: Practices from Heritage and Non-Heritage Teaching at a Major Canadian University [通过电写推进二语中文学习—加拿大一所主要大学的华裔和非华裔教学实践]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Zhang, L., Gong, Y., & Lyu, B. (2024). E-writing in Chinese as a Second and Foreign Language Learning: A Systematic Review [二语中文教学中的电写研究综览]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 

Zhang, P. N. (2024). The Typing-Based Approach to L2 Chinese Beginner Instruction: A Study of Hanzi Instructional Design and Learning Outcomes [基于键打的二语中文初级班汉字教学设计及其成效研究]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge.

Zhang, Z. (2024). Typing Characters, Priority-Setting, and Skill Integrability: L2 Chinese in the Digital Age [二语中文教学中的打字、取舍、与技能整合]. In Chu, C., Coss, M. D., & Zhang, P. N. (Eds.). Transforming Hanzi Pedagogy in the Digital Age: Theory, Research, and Practice. Routledge. 


He, W. W., & Jiao, D. (2010). Curriculum design and special features of “computer Chinese” and Chinese for tomorrow. In J. Chen, C. Wang, & J. Cai (Eds.), Teaching and learning Chinese: Issues and perspectives (pp. 217–235). Information Age Publishing.


He, W. W. (2009). Listening, Speaking, Reading, Typing, and Writing: Development Directions in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Nanjing University Press, 45-60. [听、说、读、打、写是对外汉语教学的发展方向. 南京大学出版社, 45-60]