Diane L. Wagster Penne MSN, RN, CEN, CNEn

Butte College

This site provides examples of instructional resources created in the Humanizing Online Teaching Academy, a professional development program at Butte College, funded by the Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Practices grant from the California Community College Chancellor's Office.


Where I was.

When I started this process I was embarking on a new position here at Butte College. I had just gotten hired for a full-time tenure track position for an online RN program. Though the majority of my personal education has been done in the online environment there was so little I truly new and understood about a good online learning community. I came into this class wanting to learn all that I can and wanting to take my teaching to another level. I had also heard so many complaints from students online experience that I was excited to learn new ways to improve myself and hopefully get to share with others. I have been doing a lot of self work on equity and was excited how this class can potentially help me put it in practice. 

Where I am.

I am in a great new exciting place of getting to start all of my classes from scratch and incorporate the humanizing aspects into my class. I have become a full believer in this process. I am excited about the skills I have gained with Adobe Express and the ease with which I can edit captions on my Youtube videos for everyone's ease of learning. I have drank the Humanizing Juice and it is the best I have ever had. Equity is something I can put into practical practice like never before and am so excited to share these great environments with my students. 

Where I am going.

I am going to advocate for my fellow educators to take this class as so many struggle in the school of nursing with the online environment. I am going to advocate for equitable practices for students. I am going to continue to grow and learn and work towards greater knowledge and understanding of equity in our schools and for our students. 

Liquid Syllabus

This liquid syllabus will be used to connect with the students prior to the start of the semester. It allows them to "see" who I am and what is important to me a an instructor and as a person. My hope is it will alleviate anxiety to embarking on this new journey together. This syllabus sets the tone in a loving and human way for collaboration and teamwork. 

A Picture of a Lego people wearing medical uniforms, one holding a teddy bear.

Course Card

First of all, I selected this image because who doesn't love some medical lego people. My hope is it shows that I have humor and can be light hearted in a very heavy program. It is a welcoming invitation especially with the medic holding a teddy bear. 


This page offers kindness and social cues from the colorful and energetic presence. The video is a quick welcome and hello to the class. The pictures I used for the links offer some humor since this is a pharmacology class. Lastly, the page is easy to navigate and understand which makes it more equitable. 

Getting to Know You Survey

One thing that is great about this survey is the use of notes for students in order to really gear their learning to their styles and needs. It lets them know off the bat that I care about who they are and what obstacles they may encounter. That is the heart to kindness cues and social inclusion. 

Ice breaker

This icebreaker assignment asks my students to think about a time or person they remember that has influenced their going into nursing. They have to create a FLIP post (with instructions on how to) by Wednesday with their story. They then have to reply to 2 classmates sharing how they related to what their classmate shared. 

Bumper Video

Since my program does not start until January of 2024 I don't know what books I will be using. But I do know that drug classifications can be very overwhelming. This video will fit into the beginning as an introduction and quick brief to help mitigate anxiety and fears related to learning this content. 


As I shared above, I do not know what books we are using for this program or how the flow will go. Once again, I do know understanding the difference between Type I and Type II can be overwhelming for those that are not familiar with the disease. My goal with this video will be to place it in the section of Insulin when we begin to learn about the various types. 

The Humanized Online Teaching Academy is adapted from the Humanizing Online STEM Academy, by Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Mike Smedshammer, and Kim Vincent-Layton. This website was created by Diane L. Wagster Penne and is shared with a Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 license