
The Lean Coding Canvas is a tool for designers who train to add coding to their skillset, by providing a support format to write and understand what a code is doing without and before running it.


Generative Design is an exploration process grounded on the power of computers : designers must communicate with machines, besides with each others.

Encoding design decisions requires the knowledge of programming languages and designers cope twice with the problem of telling the machine exatcly what to do. First, must be able to write instructions for the machine to actually exectute, on a lexical and sytactical level. Second and most important, must understand the logic of the programming language in order to structure the series of commands which define the semantics of the routine, to turn a design intention into the machine acting accordingly.

DIAGeD proposes and promotes the Lean Coding Canvas, to excercise and strengtehn human logics when talking with the machine.

In continuity with the Business Model Canvas and its derivative Lean Coding Canvas, this format aims at breaking the problem of coding into its component elements, together with the reason and the purspose of the program to code, and up to a graphical and essential visualization of the meta-code that transforms input into output. The format calls for coding to define new value propositions - also in design disciplines.

The Lean Coding Canvas is made of 4 horizontal pages: the log, the blackboard, the frame and the canvas.

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1/4 LOG

The first page is a research log, to foster improvements and optimization of the program.

Besides presenting the results of the coding in a grafical fashion (ideally with a GIF animation of the alternatives composing a design space), the log has a recording sheet for experiments with rezing the design space and / or optimizing the program performance until the computer does what humans mean to.

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The second page contains a graphical representation of the process the script is meant to undertake; just like a blackboard, the coder can use it to sketch and draw, to explain ideas, to visualize a process, to annotate.

A graphical representation is highly reccomended to move the script from your mind into reality: if you can visualize it, then it´s likely you can code it.

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The third page of the Lean Coding Canvas contains a screenshot of the actual code, divided into color-coded blocks with a semantycal organization. Use this page to frame your graph. Because also the code structure itself should express beauty and clarity.

Most suitable for visual scripting in Grasshopper, Dynamo or similar.

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The last page is divided into 7 blocks plus a space to write the metacode that transforms input into output.

The blocks break down the problem formulation, the design goals & key performance indicators, the value defininition, the program optimization and software infrastructure required for the code to run, besides defining its use cases. It´s completed by a Proof of Concept in form of a link to showcase the coding results. The metacode is represented with a graphical notation that resembles music writing and is located in the bottom part of the canvas.