Blizzard should reach out to David Brevik, the orginal designer, and see if he would be interested in being a special advisor to lead a small group of people to develop the never-released second expansion for D2 and finally bring this expansion to fruition.

For the first time since Diablo II, players can return to the land of Nahantu. Vessel of Hatred, the first expansion in Diablo IV, continues from where we last left the main story. Descending deep into the jungles of Nahantu, Neyrelle struggles to control perhaps the worst possible travel companion: the Prime Evil Mephisto.

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More datamine rumors include that this expansion will bring back the mercenary system for hiring and leveling followers. And it might have an actual raid as a new endgame activity with multiple wings and big rewards.

At BlizzCon 2023, Digital Trends spoke to Fergusson and Chris Wilson, production director, to get a better idea of what it takes to run a live service of this scale and how that informs the development of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred and even the expansion beyond it, which we confirmed is also in active development with a dedicated team.

All of those learnings are things that the developers will have to keep in mind as they work on not just Season 3, but all 2024 seasons and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Regarding the expansion specifically, Fergusson recognizes that it could appeal more to newer players or those more interested in the story rather than the broader live service. Still, he admits Blizzard will have to find a way for all those different kinds of players to be addressed in tandem as the team explores how seasons and expansions for Diablo will interplay.

However, a very controversial leak has recently been the center of discussion among Diablo 4 players. The details of the alleged survey were forwarded by a fan, and shared by Bellular News on YouTube. Namely, Blizzard is considering four pricing options for Vessel of Hatred: $50, $70, $80, and $100. Not only does each subsequent tier offer more bonuses, but it's the type of bonuses that have alarmed the community to such a high degree. The benefits provided by the highest tiers include key expansion features, an expanded stash, and even access to new Uniques and Legendary Powers an entire Season earlier than non-premium players.

As pointed out by Ninak0ru in a Reddit thread created to discuss the topic, these bonuses would turn Diablo 4 into a pay-to-win game. Even in its current state, the monetization in Diablo 4 is widely criticized for its exorbitant microtransaction prices. The reaction to the survey strongly confirms that locking expansion features behind another paywall would be a step too far for most players. In addition to early access Uniques and Legendary Powers, Diablo fans aren't too thrilled about paying more money to access companions, which would seemingly collect loot and allow characters to access their stash on the fly.

While stash expansions are part of the monetization system for Path of Exile, it is balanced out by the game being free-to-play. Diablo 4, on the other hand, asks $70 for base game access, and may ask an additional $100 to unlock all its expansion features. Other monetization that Blizzard is allegedly considering are town portal skins, Hero Skins (similar to Overwatch 2), and even a completely different type of mount for Diablo 4. The developers at Blizzard have certainly gotten plenty of feedback from the survey leak, but it remains to be seen what they will do with it.

Blizzard Entertainment has revealed that the first expansion for Diablo IV is called Vessel of Hatred, and it hits the game late next year. The Diablo team revealed this news over the weekend during BlizzCon 2023, which is also where we learned about three new World of Warcraft expansions and three new Overwatch 2 heroes coming to the game.

Those who purchase more-expensive editions of Diablo IV's Vessel of Hatred expansion may be granted additional stash tabs and even early access to new Legendary aspects, Unique items, and major game features, according to a recently leaked survey.

Back in November of 2018, our own Anna Bell talked about a supposed leak from ex-Blizzard employees discussing various concerns about the company. One of those concerns was the way the Diablo team ended up having to axe a second Diablo 3 expansion after Reaper of Souls due to investor anxiety about the rocky launch of Diablo 3 and the assumption that RoS was going to be a disaster. Instead, it sold 2.7 million copies in its first week and has moved 20 million across all platforms since.

This is the definition of not a failure, and if the rumors from the leakers are true, it means that the investors have literally thrown away money that would have been generated by the second expansion.

This year's prettiest RSI machine Diablo 4 arrives on PC in full today, having spent the few couple of days in early access. But even though it's barely out the gates of Hell, Blizzard are already thinking about the future of their mega RPG, confirming not one, but two expansions are already in the works.

Speaking with Kinda Funny Games, Diablo general manager Rod Fergusson said, "As I sit here we're about to launch the main game, we're finishing up season one, we're working on season two, we're working on expansion one, we're kicking off expansion two. We're working on that now and we haven't even launched the game."

Of course, expansions are pretty par for course with big RPGs like this, but it's interesting to note the existence of that second confirmed expansion, as even Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 only received a single major expansion during the course of their lifetime. Will these two expansions be just as big Diablo 3's solo expansion? It's too early to say just yet, but if you've already whipped through the end-game and hit max level, I guess you can rest easy knowing there will be lots more Diablo clicking to come.

It's also worth pointing out that these expansions will be on top of the already confirmed seasons for Diablo 4, the first of which is due to start around mid to late July. You'll need to complete the campaign before you're able to start Season 1, but you won't need to buy a battle pass for it unless you want the absolutely top tier premium rewards from it.

annuaL? the last thing d4 needs is to have a forced expansion every year. the whole thing thats killing games like cod and sports games is the forced annual releases. i am not shelling out 70 bucks every year for a d4 expac

annuaL? the last thing d4 needs is to have a forced expansion every year. the whole thing thats killing games like cod and sports games is the forced annual releases. i am not shelling out 70 bucks every year for a d4 expac

agreed. expansions should be released when they are ready, not when the financial plan dictates.

Nah after overwatch "2" not releasing the pve content it canceled and making the game worse. Diablo 4 only having demons for the last 20 minutes of the campaign and overall the worst game I played. I'm only clinging onto World of Warcraft because activision killed off every other game blizzard had. I will never buy into hype for a blizzard game other than wow xpacs.

Diablo 4 is a terrible hill for Blizzard to die on to be honest.

1) It's a failed mmo with a terrible first impression and reputation by now. So keeping a failed single player/co-op game for years to come adding expensive expansions on it... not a smart choice. Common, does anyone really believe they'll sell Diablo 4 xpacs for 10/20 bucks? It will be a full "new price" game.

2) Diablo franchise had two saving graces: 

- Anyone can join the franchise at any time without any extra costs over time. The Problem that happens to all "live service" games. WoW (kinda fixed it nowadays), Destiny 2 and many others where a new player needs to dish out so much money upfront after sometime that they give up on trying the game.

- They can ditch any bad first impression/reputation and bad tech, i.e. Diablo 3's engine that couldn't handle so much damage/dots quickly (does anyone still remembers the WD/Crusader dot/hammer builds freezing the game?) or even register correctly where the player is. Also they could try new art styles, that in case of a bad choice, they could quickly move away from it with a new game. Just like they did from D2 to D3 to D4.

By choosing to still try to present the failed Diablo 4 as the definitive Diablo experience forever, they're giving up on two strong advantages of the franchise and this decision will probably hit them back hard later.

And on top of that, WoW Token is doomed forever now, lol.

"As I sit here we're about to launch the main game, we're finishing up season one, we're working on season two, we're working on expansion one, we're kicking off expansion two," said Fergusson. "All that's happening right now and we haven't even launched the game yet."

BlizzCon 2023 has officially kicked off and its opening ceremony was filled with big announcements, including Diablo 4's first expansion called Vessel of Hatred, three new expansions for World of Warcraft in The Worldsoul Saga, a new Overwatch 2 hero named Mauga, and much more.

Diablo 4's first expansion will be called Vessel of Hatred, and it will include a brand-new, never-before-seen class. We didn't learn too much, but it was confirmed it will take place in Diablo 2 region Nahantu and will concern the fate of Mephisto and his plans for Sanctuary.

Blizzard has announced The Worldsoul Saga, a larger narrative that will contain the next three expansions for World of Warcraft. The first of these expansions will be called The War Within and will be released in 2024.

WoW legend Chris Metzen, who recently returned as executive creative director of the Warcraft franchise, stopped by BlizzCon to reveal the news and say these expansions will be the "culmination of the first 20 years of our storytelling" that will "vector us into the next 20 years of adventure." 006ab0faaa

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