What is Literature?

  Critical theories of literature in Asian cultures, however, have been more varied. There is an immense amount of highly technical, critical literature in India. Some works are recipe books, vast collections of tropes and stylistic devices; others are philosophical and general. In the best period of Indian literature, the cultural climax of Sanskrit (c. 320–490), it is assumed by writers that expressive and constructive factors are twin aspects of one reality. The same could be said of the Chinese, whose literary manuals and books on prosody and rhetoric are, as with the West, relegated to the class of technical handbooks, while their literary criticism is concerned rather with subjective, expressive factors—and so aligns itself with the pseudo-Longinus’ “sublime.” In Japan, technical, stylistic elements are certainly important (Japanese discrimination in these matters is perhaps the most refined in the world), but both writer and reader above all seek qualities of subtlety and poignancy and look for intimations of profundity often so evanescent as to escape entirely the uninitiated reader. Literature is art of written works.it has been applied to those thoughtful work of poetry and distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution.Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter. Literature is a form of human expression. But not everything expressed in words—even when organized and written down—is counted as literature.

     When I was in 12th standard and pursuing Commerce, Literature was something that always attracted me, IT gives me mesmerizing expereince.. So and then, I chose the literature stream but still I was immature to understand the power of literature. When I was pursuing my graduation, slowly I You anderstood how much Literture is needed to survive for society.First, in the beginning of Masters my perspective was like above image..

     Now, The perspective towards seeing literature is totally different for me..For me now literature is something, which send me far away from world, far away from imagination, far away from stress and at a same time make me feels bravely closers to the earth, closer to the reality, closer to life..That's why I have given literature a metaphor, which is......(next page)