Semester -4

"Revolution 2020" is a novel written by Chetan Bhagat, an Indian author and columnist. It was published in 2011 and became a bestseller in India.

The novel is set in the city of Varanasi, India, and revolves around the lives of three friends - Gopal, Raghav, and Aarti. The story is a commentary on the Indian education system, corruption, and the struggle for success in a rapidly changing society. Gopal and Raghav, both from humble backgrounds, aspire for success in different ways. Gopal wants to make money by any means necessary, even if it means breaking the law, while Raghav wants to bring about change through journalism. Aarti, the love interest of both Gopal and Raghav, is caught in the middle of their rivalry.

Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, words, ideas, or research as one's own without proper attribution or permission. This includes copying and pasting from a source, paraphrasing without proper citation, and using someone else's ideas or research without giving credit.

Plagiarism can occur in various forms of work, including written assignments, research papers, essays, speeches, presentations, and even creative work such as music, art, and films. It is considered a serious ethical violation in academic and professional settings, as it undermines the integrity of the work and violates the trust of the audience or readership.

"The Joys of Motherhood" is a novel written by Buchi Emecheta, a Nigerian author. The book was first published in 1979 and explores the experiences of Nnu Ego, a Nigerian woman who struggles to find happiness and fulfillment in her roles as wife and mother.

One of the major themes of the book is the role of class and culture in shaping Nnu Ego's experiences. As a woman from a lower-class background, Nnu Ego faces significant challenges in achieving her goals and aspirations. Her struggles are compounded by the cultural expectations placed upon her as a wife and mother in a patriarchal society.

The novel also explores the tension between traditional and modern values in Nigerian society. Nnu Ego must navigate the expectations of her family and community while also grappling with her own desires and ambitions. 

The concept of comparative literature in India received an impetus from Rabindranath Tagore's lecture delivered on the subject when he was invited by National Council of Education in 1907. But the idea of Comparative Literature suggested by Das, a practicing comparatist, is different from the idea expressed by Tagore. 

"Portrayal of Youth and Their Success Over Life Issues: A Study of Chetan Bhagat" is a research topic that explores the representation of young people and their struggles in the works of Chetan Bhagat, an Indian author known for his bestselling novels that often focus on the aspirations and challenges of young people in contemporary India.