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1)  "Threads of Truth: A Poem Weaving Lessons from Literature"

These books may seem disparate and varied,

Yet, there's a common thread that's carried,

Through each story and each page,

A lesson for us, in this modern age.

In the Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde,

We see the dangers of secrets we hide,

For our true selves will find a way,

To surface and cause our downfall someday.

Moby Dick teaches us to pursue,

Our dreams and goals, with passion true,

But also warns of obsession's curse,

That can lead us to a fate much worse.

Animal Farm is a cautionary tale,

Of how power corrupts and leaders fail,

We must be vigilant and hold fast,

To our freedoms, lest they don't last.

Far from the Madding Crowd shows,

That love can blossom amidst life's woes,

But we must choose wisely and with care,

For our hearts can lead us anywhere.

Heart of Darkness reveals a truth,

That beneath the surface lies the proof,

Of humanity's darker side,

That we must confront and not hide.

The Bluest Eye reminds us all,

Of how society can make us feel small,

But we must embrace our uniqueness true,

And own our beauty, both inside and through.

The Hairy Ape reflects the pain,

Of those who struggle to break their chain,

But also shows that within us all,

Lies the power to rise and stand tall.

The Namesake is a journey to find,

Identity and place, to define,

We must honour our roots and ancestry,

But also forge a path that's true to our identity.

In each book, there's a lesson to be learned,

A truth that can be deeply earned,

By reading with an open mind,

And in these stories, our own selves find.

2)Echoes of Literature

"Macbeth's Lament"

Oh, woe is me, for I have slain

My dearest friend, and thus the chain

Of guilt and horror now begins

To wrap around my soul like sins

"A Prideful Heart"

A heart too proud to see the truth

Of love that blooms in early youth

Is doomed to wander in despair

And miss the joy that could be there

"Longing for Light"

A long day's journey into night

Can make the brightest spirit blight

But hope can still ignite a spark

And lead us to a brand new start

"For Whom the Bells Toll"

The bells toll for us all, they say

No matter where we go or stay

So let us live our lives with care

And love and kindness always share

"Othello's Regret"

Oh, how I wish I could undo

The pain I caused, the love I slew

But now I'm left with naught but shame

And memories of my tragic game

"Hard Times, Soft Heart"

In hard times, it's easy to forget

The softness that our hearts beget

But let us not give in to fear

And hold each other ever near

"The Importance of Being Earnest"

To live a life with wit and style

And never let the heart grow vile

Is something we should all aspire

And to our souls, it will inspire

"Jude's Obscurity"

Jude the Obscure, oh what a fate

To live a life that's second-rate

But even in the darkest night

There's always hope for a new light

"The Waste Land's Lament"

Oh, what a waste this land has seen

Of love and life and all between

But even in the barren dust

The seeds of hope can still combust

"Orlando's Odyssey"

Orlando - a biography

Of one who dared to break free

From gender norms and societal rules

And charted a course that was his own to choose

"Gatsby's Dream"

The Great Gatsby, oh what a tale

Of love and wealth that could not prevail

But in the end, it's not the gold

But the dream of love that will always hold

"The Wretched's Call"

The Wretched of the Earth, they cry

For freedom, justice, and a life

That's filled with hope and dignity

And a world where all can truly be.