Sangha Health

Sangha Care Meetings

Our sangha meets regularly to discuss the overall health of the community. Conversations in previous Sangha Health meetings have included: community values, activism, decision-making, inclusivity and anti-racism, having difficult conversations, cultivating care and support, accessibility, and issues that arise in the community.

As a peer-led, co-created community - we value creating opportunities for connection, support, and collaboration. To support these values, we meet regularly for Sangha Care meetings to help align our community with our aspirational goals as a sangha.

To arrive, we'll meditate together. Afterwards, it will be a community-wide discussion- an opportunity to:

Sangha Care Meetings are open to everyone, whether you've never been to a meeting before, or you host sits regularly in the community.

So come as you are and participate through offering some ideas, asking a question- or simply listening & staying connected! We look forward to seeing you there :)


Boston-Based Celebrations of Juneteenth for 2022 *adapted list from CMSC

For Non-Black Folks





Article Collection:

Diversity and Professionalism (PDF)

Addressing Health Disparities Among Minority Populations Why Clinical Trial Recruitment Is Not Enough (PDF)

Racial Trauma in Film: How Viewers Can Address Re-traumatization




Additional resources can also be found here: Courage of Care

For our BIPOC Community, join CMC’ s ‘Live Online’ weekly practices:

For White Allies Seeking Community Committed to Anti-Racism, additional practices are listed here:




Instagram/Social Media Outlets to Follow:


McLean’s Deconstructing Stigma campaign, showcasing stories of individual’s mental health experiences. The goal of the campaign is to foster compassion and reduce stigma about mental health to increase knowledge and encourage people to seek treatment, if needed. This project is presented online as well as through exhibits like those at Logan International Airport in Boston and the Nehru Science Center in Mumbai, India.

Please email Jocelyn at, if there are any resources you've found useful and would like to add to this list.