The multimessenger astrophysics group (MAP) was founded at the Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC) by D. F. Torres in 2006. The group aim is doing frontier research in high-energy astrophysics from a multifrequency and multiparticle perspective. The group focuses on compact objects -especially the physical understanding of pulsars and their varied environments, cosmic rays, and the study of relativistic environments in our Galaxy and beyond.

Examples of our scientific highlights & discoveries

Browse some examples of our historical and current research highlights and discoveries

Online access to the group papers

Browse a NASA ADS Library collecting the group's >300 peer-reviewed papers. Papers with large collaborations are only added in this list if a member of the group significantly partiticipated in it.  Papers in this list collect >23000 citations with an h-factor >71.

Joining opportunities

Browse open and annually recurrent opportunities.

Current members

All persons mentioned below (except external associates) work at the Institute of Space Sciences. 


Software engineers 

Postdoctoral Fellows 

PhD Students 

External associates 

All-time alumni

Reverse-time ordering of research associates (to MAP, and for a few earlier than 2006, to D. F. Torres' other groups). All persons mentioned below worked at the Institute of Space Sciences unless noted. Other usual collaborators, both senior and postdocs, based at the same institute but formally in other groups are not listed. 


Software engineers 

Ramón y Cajal Fellows             (5-years senior associates)

Postdoctoral Fellows 

PhD Students 

MSc Students

* Acquired a faculty position in Academia (in universitities or research institutions of Argentina, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, India, Italy, Poland, and Spain).    All software engineers moved to subsequent positions in industry or stayed in the institute in other projects.    27% of the persons mentioned are women.