

Long talks will be in a 12' + 3' format

Short talks will be in a 4' + 1' format

Thursday January 6th

Welcome | 09:20-09:30

Session 1 | 09:30-11:00

Chair: John Peacock

Moderator: Mathilde Jauzac


Chittenden, Harry -- Predicting Galaxy Formation Histories From Dark Matter Halos In IllustrisTNG, With Machine Learning

Grove, Cameron -- Testing the Robustness of Simulations for the DESI Dark Time Survey

Phipps, Frederika -- Small but Mighty: The Formation of Globular Clusters in Cosmological Simulations

Evans, Tilly -- JWST predictions for Milky Way analogues


Thomson, Fionagh -- Mock Observations & Real Simulations: do observations hold unwarranted dominance over simulations in deciding ‘what is real’ [in Extragalactic astronomy]?

Elliott, Edward -- Parameter calibration in galaxy formation models

Karamanis, Minas -- Robust Simulation-based Cosmological Inference

Chan, Tsang Keung -- Simulating disk halo interface in Milky Way-mass galaxies

Cui, Weiguang -- From the scatter to galaxy formation

Coffee break | 11:00-11:30

Session 2 | 11:30-13:00

Chair: Julie Wardlow

Moderator: Aidan Sedgewick


Birkin, Jack -- KAOSS: A KMOS survey of high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies

Cornish, Thomas -- Exploring the environments of SMGs: a wide-field narrowband study

Amvrosiadis, Aristeidis -- The kinematics of massive dusty star-forming galaxies at high redshift


Leung, Ho-Hin -- Linking galaxy quenching with gas-rich mergers by studying the chemical evolution of 15 MaNGA post-starburst galaxies

Short, Phil -- Understanding the Host Galaxies of Tidal Disruption Events

Ni, Qingling -- The relation between black-hole growth and host-galaxy compactness among star-forming galaxies

Sidhu, Manika -- Measuring obscured supermassive black hole growth in the early universe with the Keck Observatory

Rendell-Bhatti, Harry -- Half a million quasars over 65 years

Lunch break | 13:00-14:00

Session 3 | 14:00-15:30

Chair: John Stott

Moderator: Hannah Turner


Carnall, Adam -- Tracing the most massive galaxies back to the first billion years

Hamadouche, Massissilia -- The mass-size evolution of massive quiescent galaxies from z = 0.6 to z = 1.3

Donnan, Callum -- The role of the cosmic web in the scatter of the galaxy mass-metallicity relation

Moore, Sam -- Using DESI BGS to investigate environmental dependencies of galaxies


Desmet, Pascale -- The progenitors of quiescent galaxies – investigating the ISM of z~4.5 SMGs

Sedgewick, Aidan -- The clustering properties of the reddest galaxies with UKIDSS-DXS

Sirks, Ellen -- Constraining dark matter self-interactions with galaxy cluster shapes

Luna, Margarita -- Differences in the dark matter halo density of mock integral field cubes and observations

Sorini, Daniele -- The impact of stellar and AGN feedback on the distribution of matter in the Universe

Coffee break | 15:30-16:00

Session 4 | 16:00-17:00

Chair: Guillaume Mahler

Moderator: Nency Patel


Lagattuta, David -- Probing central mass distributions with “exotic” cluster lenses

Niemiec, Anna -- Influence of the cluster environment on the galaxy/subhalo connection

Cerny, Catherine -- Probing the Inner Density Profile of Galaxy Clusters Using Strong Lensing and MUSE Spectroscopy

Turner, Hannah -- Kinematic and dynamical modelling of the “Jackpot” triple-source lens

Social event | 19:30-21:00

Friday January 7th

Session 5 | 09:30-11:00

Chair: Leah Morabito

Moderator: Jack Birkin


Appleby, Sarah -- The Circumgalactic Medium in Simba

Beckett, Alex -- Probing the z<1 circumgalactic medium using a background quasar triplet

Smith, Russell -- Poisson-fluctuation spectroscopy and resolved stellar spectroscopy in Centaurus A

Donald-McCann, Jamie -- matryoshka: Facilitating and Accelerating Power Spectra Analyses


Yan-Chuan, Cai -- Intergalactic filaments spin

Gough, Alex -- Probing extended cosmologies with clustering statistics beyond the average

Giblin, Benjamin -- Beyond 2-point functions: Getting more cosmology from weak lensing

Harnois-Deraps, Joachim -- Dark energy in the non-linear regime

Poci, Adriano -- Exploring Dynamical Models of Strong Lens Galaxies

Coffee break | 11:00-11:30

Session 6 | 11:30-12:45

Chair: Keith Horne

Moderator: Victor Forouhar


Richings, Alex -- Unravelling the physics of multiphase AGN winds through emission line tracers

Petley, James -- How does radio emission connect to outflowing winds in quasars?

Thomas, Nicole -- Investigating the radio galaxy population with Simba and MIGHTEE

Wade, Heather -- Y-NBS: Probing the epoch of reionisation with the brightest distant Lya emitters


Rosario, David -- Dust in the Wind: Testing a new paradigm of AGN feedback with JWST

Escott, Emmy -- Linking AGN radio properties to outflows

Husko, Filip -- Self-consistent jet feedback in hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation

Lunch break | 12:45-14:00

Session 7 | 14:00-15:30

Chair: Teresita Suarez

Moderator: Andreia Carrillo


Dougherty, Sean -- Investigating the role of mergers for triggering AGN in extragalactic surveys

Fawcett, Vicky -- Exploring the diversity in DESI quasars

Barlow-Hall, Cassandra -- Constraints on the X-ray Luminosity Function of AGN at high redshift, with ExSeSS

Andonie, Carolina -- Fundamental differences between obscured and unobscured IR quasars in the COSMOS field


Kynoch, Daniel -- The origin of the near-infrared coronal lines in the active galaxy NGC 5548

Delaney, Jack -- The Extragalactic Serendipitous Swift Survey (ExSeSS): survey definition and measurements of the X-ray number counts

MacKenzie, Duncan -- Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: What fraction are neutron star accretors?

Patel, Nency -- Search for X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars

Mitchell, Jake -- Studies of a new large X-ray/UV selected AGN sample.

Coffee break | 15:30-16:00

Session 8 | 16:00-16:45

Chair: Alkistis Pourtsidou

Moderator: Annagrazia Puglisi


Forouhar, Victor -- Constraining the nature of dark matter using the satellite system of the Milky Way

Oman, Kyle -- The diverse observed rotation curves of simulated dwarf galaxies with dark matter cusps and cores

Elbers, Willem -- Synergies in the neutrino sector