Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshop

6th - 7th January 2022

Synergies between theory and observations to exploit next generation instruments and surveys

With the upcoming JWST launch, and large surveys such as DESI starting operations, this workshop will be a chance for theorists and observers to discuss how data from new facilities can be best exploited to address many of the yet open big questions in astronomy. For example, is the distribution of dark matter on small and large scales consistent with ΛCDM? How is the formation and evolution of galaxies influenced by their dark matter halos? How galaxy and black hole growth are mutually influenced? What processes regulate star formation in galaxies? Which sources contribute the most to reionisation, and what are the properties of the first galaxies? Are tensions that have arisen in the era of precision cosmology pointing towards new physics, or systematic errors? The complementarity between next-generation observations and theoretical models will be crucial for answering some of these questions and characterise in detail the evolution of the Universe since the reionisation epoch.

Following the tradition of previous Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic workshops, this meeting intends to bring together observers and theorists to discuss advances in modelling and observation techniques in extragalactic astronomy. This year we would like to invite colleagues from Durham, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Lancaster and Newcastle, with the aim of fostering collaborations between our respective research groups.

Following the latest indications from the UK government, our meeting will be fully online. The deadline for all abstract submissions was December 3rd. You may register to the meeting by filling this form. Registration for virtual attendance will remain open until the start of the meeting.

The full programme is now available. More information regarding the format of the meeting and the safety measures will be provided in the Information page.

We expect all attendees to adhere to the DEX code of conduct which can be found here.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.


The following people have been involved in the organisation of DEX: