I wouild be realy happy to see this implementet as well. It would be nice for styrofoam cutting on 4 axis. Currently ther isn't really an up to date option out ther on the market, our current system runs oin MS Dos...

There are a few options for 4 axis foam cutting I've made several videos on them. The free options are JediCut and David the Swarfer winggcode which are mainly aimed at RC guys like myself. The only other solutions that are worth looking at come from DevCAD

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I have 2 of his programs but they are a bit pricey, my lastest 4 axis CNC foam cutter build soon to be released is less money than Dev Wing Foam and Dev Fus Foam. They are good applications but I think because there's not much competition he can charge those prices.

If we could get something in Fusion I'm sure it would be well received. My lastest foam cutter has been designed in Fusion and I'm a big fan of it and 4 Axis Hot Wire Foam cutter would be the icing on the cake.

Copydex would be my first choice for the sheeting - I like contact adhesive for wing sheeting - jig up the wing and then just roll on the sheet. You can do all the surfaces in one session. I did try evo stik on my last build - but you have to be ridiculously careful to avoid getting any liquid stuff on the foam itself. I ended up running just the thinnest of beads onto the edge of the paper with my fingertip which was far too damn fiddly... never again!

With the "stressed skin" approach, the internal structure can be almost entirely dispensed with. Next time I make something full sheeted in that four to five foot region, I am thinking of making the ribs from foamboard, using a full depth slotted foamboard "spar" just to hold the ribs in place and provide a bit of resistance to handling/crushing. 1/4" balsa LE and TE complete the frame, stick on the sheet, shape the LE, and job done. Halfway house to a full foam wing I suppose. I guess you could also go with the foamboard eggbox and just sheet the D Box for a lighter model, much the same as the Panic wings used to be bead foam core with leading edge and pretend ribs / capstrips... Joining would need to be glass like a normal foam wing.

I like the idea of foamboard ribs with balsa (or thin depron) sheet covering though I think if the spar is made from foam it should be quite chunky to support the skin and stop it buckling under stress. Depron with brown paper covering should prove quite dingproof, didn't Colin Leighfield amongst others try something like that?

A good way to power the hotwire is to use crocodile connectors on the ends of the wire. The power supply can be implemented directly from the ramps board which allows temperature control from the software. However, such a solution is limited and often the temperature is insufficient for cutting higher density foams, or at higher speeds. Therefore, I recommend powering the wire separately. You can use the 12V power supply used for this project and a dimmer or other pwm controller. Use the knob to adjust the temperature. Another solution is to use a battery charger. Some of them have a foam cut function. In chargers that do not have such a feature, you can use the NiCd charging and simply adjust the temperature by changing the output current. A good starting point is a value of 2A and from this point look for the right settings.

There is no perfect instruction for finding the right temperature. It depends on the length of the wire, cutting speed and the type and density of the foam. You need to run tests until you get a satisfactory result. The wire should move freely during cutting, do not burn too much material, and do not get blocked in the foam. Ideally, the foam should melt right in front of the moving wire. A good initial speed will be about 200 mm/min. From this value , you can look for the right temperature for your particular foam. The types of foams you can cut are different. I have cut XPS, EPS, and EPP foams of different densities. Of course, any other foam requires temperature

adjustment. e24fc04721

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