Meet our speakers  🎤

Our speakers are influential individuals and allies who have been actively engaged with communities within their organizations, cities, countries, and beyond.

🎫  Daniel Low          
Community Lead at GDG Singapore
Welcome Address

Daniel is the Lead of GDG Singapore, a community-driven individual with a strong passion for leveraging cutting-edge solutions. He is always looking for new ways to use technology to make a difference, with a focus on data privacy. Daniel is a strong advocate for social justice, and he is involved in several organizations that are working to make a difference in the world.

🚩  Janise Tan          
SEA Regional Lead,  Developer Ecosystem at Google
Opening Keynote

Janise leads Google's developer relations in Southeast Asia, helping developers upskill, build better, and succeed with Google. She is passionate about building a more diverse and inclusive tech industry, and actively drives women in tech empowerment programs and initiatives that raise up diverse leaders and role models.

Olena Kutsenko          
Senior Developer Advocate at Aiven

Introductory and Overview       
Special Keynote: Navigating the AI-driven World with the Power of Community

AI has significantly reshaped our world, unlocking a realm of endless potential. However, it's also crucial to recognize that with this transformation came new and complex challenges. Adapting to these changes is intimidating for some of us, while possibly life-changing for others, for those who now need to completely rethink their career and are forced to leave behind their professional position to search for new avenues to realize their potential.

In this evolving landscape, the future is more uncertain than ever before. If we want to withstand the tide wave and grow even stronger and more successful we need a collective approach, emphasizing collaboration and the power of the community. The success of each individual is tied to the strength, unity and inclusion within the community.

Join Olena for a discussion about the strategies to embrace this shifting landscape, offering inspiration and actionable ideas. Let us stand united as we navigate these transformative times.


Olena is a seasoned expert in data, sustainable software development, and teamwork. With a background in software engineering, she has led teams and developed mission-critical applications at Nokia, HERE Technologies, and AWS. Currently, she works at Aiven, where she supports developers and customers in using open-source data technologies such as Apache Kafka, ClickHouse, and OpenSearch. She is also an international public speaker and regularly presents at conferences around the world. She holds AWS Developer and Solutions Architect certifications, and is also a Confluent Catalyst.

Akshata Mohanty          
Founder at Keis

Good (n)gram Hunting: Building Serverless Search at Zero Cost!

This session is a walkthrough of a project in which we implemented a full-text search for a database containing 22 million records in-house. The session will introduce the necessity of a searchable database, cover the fundamentals of search algorithms and indexing, explore existing search solutions, and present the rationale for building search in-house. We will then delve deeper into search techniques such as n-grams, cosine similarity, and term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf), demonstrating them with live examples. Finally, the talk will further explore the implemented serverless design architecture, candidly sharing the results, data insights, costs, and challenges of this project.


Akshata is an engineer with over 8 years of experience in software product development across EdTech, media, and FinTech sectors. She has worked in research, multinational companies, and startups. She used to be an architect (for buildings!) and taught herself to code. Outside of work, she loves connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts, travelling, and painting.

Alexandra Mercz          
Founder at Stealth Startup

Panel Discussion: Career Development for Tech Professionals


Alexandra Mercz is an accomplished Founder, Chief of Staff, and Transformation Leader with a distinguished track record in global banking and fintech. She has held senior roles in various CISO and COO offices and holds multiple certifications in Cybersecurity, Cloud Security, NIST, and agile implementation.

Alexandra actively champions women in cybersecurity by serving as a role model and highlighting non-traditional career paths. Her advocacy aims to normalize women's presence in leadership and staff roles within the field. This advocacy is driven by a strong voice and a deep commitment to her fellow female colleagues. It's not just a professional duty for her; it's a personal mission. She believes that achieving fair representation of women leaders is crucial for building an inclusive society. Leading by example, she shares her expertise as a speaker at cybersecurity events.

Engaging in several cybersecurity Executive Committees, Alexandra's legacy includes founding mentorship programs like the ISC2 Singapore Mentorship Program, fostering gender balance and ongoing success. She's a dedicated mentor, providing guidance not only on technical aspects but also on mental health, human dignity, and neuro-diversity.

As an experienced public speaker and enthusiastic volunteer in the cybersecurity realm, Alexandra stands at the forefront of the industry. Her leadership drives diversity, inclusion, self-development, and the dismantling of barriers.

Aung Kyaw Paing          
Senior Consultant, Mobile Engineer at Thoughtworks

A to Z of Snapshot Testing in Android

We often avoid testing configuration changes in our tests, because this can lead to the same human mistakes that we're trying to prevent. And when we do test for UI, padding and margin are often the first things to go, because they're just configurations. This is in conflict with the principle of unit testing, because not testing these values can lead to inconsistent and even broken UIs.

Snapshot testing solves this problem by taking a snapshot of your UI and comparing it against the previous snapshot the next time you run your tests. This ensures that your UI doesn't regress over time.

In this talk, Aung will show you how to use snapshot testing in your Android development workflow to iterate on your UI quickly and confidently, without having to worry about regressions.


Aung has been an active member of the Android community for over 7 years, 6 of which he spent working as an Android developer at one of the largest software agencies in Myanmar. Software development is craftsmanship to him. He does more than code; he crafts solutions.

Aseem Wangoo          
Senior Software Engineer at ShopBack

Prototyping with Gen AI - Using PaLM API, MakerSuite and Flutter

In today's rapidly evolving world, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into modern applications is a game-changer. This article takes a deep dive into the exciting realm of AI integration, focusing on the formidable Google PaLM API and the versatile Flutter framework. Explore the limitless potential of unleashing AI's creative capabilities through text and chat prompts.

Discover how to seamlessly integrate the PaLM API with Flutter, empowering developers to build smarter and more dynamic applications.

MakerSuite's text prompts offer a lightweight and freeform experience, allowing you to express your creativity through prompts, whether you're experimenting with simple zero-shot ideas or crafting structured, few-shot prompts with examples.

Dive into the realm of chat prompts, where you can craft engaging conversational experiences that captivate users with dynamic interactions. We will guide you through the process of prototyping a PaLM-driven chatbot using MakerSuite in Flutter, highlighting the incredible potential of Generative AI.

Unlock the future of application development with Generative AI, PaLM API, MakerSuite, and Flutter. Join us to learn how AI can elevate your app development game and keep you ahead of the competitive tech landscape.


Aseem Wangoo is a Senior Software Engineer at ShopBack, the largest online loyalty platform in Southeast Asia and the founder of Flatteredwithflutter. He is a tech event speaker, content creator, Google Dev Library Contributor, and technical writer as well.

His blog is ranked in the Top 30 best flutter blogs. As a tech enthusiast, he actively participates as a speaker in prestigious events like FlutterCon, Geekle, DartUp, and various tech communities.

Dhrumil Shah          
Lead Architect at TATA Digital Pvt Ltd

Building Robust Enterprise Applications with Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

As the demand for cross-platform development continues to rise in the enterprise sector as well, Flutter has emerged as a powerful framework for building high-quality, performant applications. In this session, I will elaborate on how we can leverage Flutter to develop robust enterprise applications that meet the demanding requirements of enterprise.

The session will cover the entire lifecycle of building enterprise applications using Flutter, from project setup to deployment and maintenance. Attendees will gain insights into best practices, design patterns, and tools that streamline the development process and ensure scalability.


Dhrumil Shah, the GDE of Flutter & Dart, the co-organiser of GDG Ahmedabad, Lead Architect at TATA Digital Pvt Ltd, and Creator of @Flutter_Flakes.

He has done a Masters in Computer Engineering in Wireless and Mobile Computing. Being an expert, he has an excellent command over developing applications, organising events, workshops and mentoring developers, students and startups which has made him a good trainer as well as an avid speaker in his domain.

Divya Gehlot          
Solution Lead - Data Platforms at A Healthcare Organisation

Unleash Your Data's Potential: The Generative AI Explorer's Workshop

The Generative AI Explorer - Vertex Quest is a collection of labs on how to use Google Cloud's Generative AI. Through the labs, you will learn about how to use models in the Vertex AI PaLM API family, such as text-bison, chat-bison, and textembedding-gecko. You will also learn about prompt design, best practices, and how they can be used for ideation, text classification, text extraction, text summarization, and more. You will also learn how to tune a foundation model by training it via Vertex AI custom training and deploying it to a Vertex AI endpoint.


Divya develops and supports the development and execution of a comprehensive analytics platform roadmap and strategy with the core team, architecting the solution on major cloud platforms. She is a Co-founder and Head of curriculum at BigDataX, a community and technical workshop speaker, and a hands-on facilitator covering areas including Big Data and Cloud computing since 2018. Divya is also a Google Developer Expert on GCP Data & Analytics (Singapore's first woman GDE😊), a Women Techmaker Ambassador, and a GDG cloud chapter organizer.

Erik Nguyen          
Senior Software Engineer

Introductory and Overview       
Navigating the Next Revolution of Rendering Patterns

In the ever-evolving realm of front-end development, the evolution of rendering patterns is not an exception. From the dominion of SPAs to the resurgence of SSR and beyond, we will explore the latest approaches to serving JavaScript applications, including Incremental Static Regeneration, Streaming SSR and demystifying avant-garde techniques like Partial Hydration, Island Architectures and Resumability. Additionally, we will peer into the future by diving deep into React Server Components (RSC), the game-changer that trims bundle size, empowers server-side capabilities, and maps the path ahead for React and React developers. This talk serves as your compass to navigate the exciting, fast-paced landscape of modern application patterns, offering actionable insights to empower developers in their decision-making process.


Erik is a senior software engineer and a front-end enthusiast. He is passionate about JavaScript and the React ecosystem, especially how to use it to improve the quality of the web and enhance the development experience. Beyond his code, Erik believes in fostering collaboration within the tech community. He sometimes speaks at JavaScript conferences and co-organizes SingaporeJS, a local meetup group for the SingaporeJS community.

Esther Irawati Setiawan          
Associate Professor at iSTTS

Diverse Data, Unified Learning: The Promise of Multimodal Models

In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, understanding and leveraging diverse data sources hold paramount importance. This talk delves deep into the concept and potential of multimodal machine learning models, offering a comprehensive exploration that harnesses both traditional techniques and modern innovations, further enriched by the capabilities of Google Technology and the dynamic functionalities of Makersuite. The session kicks off by introducing the essence of multimodal learning. Here, attendees will explore the definition, purpose, and significance of different fusion methods such as Early, Late, and Intermediate fusion. With this foundation, the compelling necessity of this approach in the realm of AI and machine learning becomes evident. Delving deeper into the multifaceted world of data modalities, this segment highlights the diversity of sources, ranging from text to images. Real-world applications, from health diagnostics to entertainment, further showcase the expansive reach of multimodal models. Then the talk will incorporate Pre-Trained models and Makersuite for Multimodal Data Processing.

Makersuite, with its innovative platform, promises efficient preprocessing and handling of diverse data modalities, bridging potential gaps and ensuring a seamless workflow.


Esther is an Associate Professor and Google Developer Group Surabaya Founder with over ten years of experience in social network media analysis and professional work experience in the IT industry. Her background includes full-stack web application development, cloud system management, machine learning model creation with TensorFlow, and native mobile application development for Android and Flutter. She has participated in and hosted several tech talks, both nationally and internationally. Esther is also affiliated with several other professional groups, such as IEEE, IAENG, and IAIS (Indonesia Artificial Intelligence Society).

Gabriel Chua          
Data Scientist at GovTech Singapore

Prompt-Based Learning

With prompt-based learning, we can accelerate the machine learning development cycle. Gabriel will be sharing some practical prompt engineering tips you can immediately apply in your next LLM POC.


Gabriel is a Data Scientist at GovTech, building machine learning products in the job and skills domain. He previously worked at the Ministry of Health, using data to design and implement healthcare financing policies. Outside of work, he enjoys trying new things.

Guan Wang          
Principle Data Scientist at Manulife

Introductory and Overview       
ML for Everyone: No Coding with Google Sheets, Low Coding with MediaPipe, and Full Stack with Keras

Don't know coding? You can build and use Machine Learning models directly within Google Sheets using SimpleML!

Developers but not machine learning experts? You can call APIs from MediaPipe to do fancy ML applications out of the box and on the device!

Master of Machine Learning? Let's take a drive with the new version of Keras!


Guan Wang works as Principle Data Scientist at Manulife. He has been working on research and development of machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing in academic institutions and industrial research labs. He has published several technical books, academic papers, and industry patents. He is also an active tech blogger and community contributor, with over 11k stars for his open-source projects on GitHub. He is a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning. Guan has more than 13 years of experience in data science and 5 years of experience in applying AI to the insurance industry. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Physics and Computer Science from Peking University, and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in Physics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Guillermo Rodas          
Senior Full-stack Engineer at EQT Group

Introductory and Overview       
WebAuth and Passkeys: The Future of Authentication

In an era marked by increasing digital threats and data breaches, the call for robust and user-friendly authentication mechanisms has never been louder. "WebAuth and Passkeys: The Future of Authentication" delves into the transformational potential of Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and the revolutionary concept of Passkeys. This presentation will explore the inherent limitations of traditional authentication methods, the core principles of WebAuthn and passkeys, their potential implications for user experience, and the broader impacts on cybersecurity. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of why these innovations are poised to redefine the very fabric of online authentication in the coming years.


Originating from Colombia, Guillermo Rodas is now a Swedish resident working as a Full-stack JavaScript Developer. He has a passion for empowering fellow developers, assisting them in honing their skills, and delivering top-notch products. Besides his developer role, Guillermo coordinates CSS Community Dev and CSS Conf Colombia. He has been honoured as a Google Developer Expert, Auth0 Ambassador, and Twitch Partner.

Hairizuan Noorazman          
DevOps Engineer at Acronis

Feature Flags can be Surprisingly Complicated

Feature flags are often overlooked when building applications. But there's a growing army of developers who believe they're essential. A small but growing number of companies now offer feature flags as a service, and there's even a project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to standardize them so users aren't locked into a single provider.


Hairizuan is a DevOps Engineer at Acronis. He is an avid fan of tools and technologies and has dabbled in various programming languages, such as Golang, Python, and R. He is currently one of the co-organizers for the GDG Cloud Singapore meetup group.

Hassan Abid          
CTO at BeLive Technology

Beyond FFMPEG: Streamlined Video Editing on Android with Media3 Transformer APIs

Jetpack Media3 is the new home for APIs that enable the creation of rich audio and video experiences. It is a unified API for playback use cases, and it also covers new use cases such as video editing and transcoding. This talk is an extension of a talk I delivered at IO Extended Events, and it will provide a deep dive into the Media3 Transformer APIs. The talk will cover use cases for converting between formats (transcoding), applying changes like trimming a clip from a longer video, cropping a portion of the video frame, applying custom effects, and other editing operations. We will also give a demo and show how you can integrate with MediaPipe.


Hassan has been a Google Developer Expert in Android since 2016. He is currently based in Singapore, where he works as Lead Software Engineer at startup BeLive, whose development team is based in Ho Chi Minh City. Before that, he lived in Seoul, where he worked on mobile video streaming SDK and KineMaster, an Android video editing app. He loves writing and sharing his experiences about Android development with fellow developers through blog posts, events, and conferences.

Homing Tam          
Principal Product Manager at Lalamove

Introductory and Overview       
What's New in Google Maps Platform 2023?

An overview of the latest features on Google Maps Platform, supplied with some coding examples.


Homing currently works as a principal product manager at Lalamove with a focus on the delivery core platform. Prior to his work in Lalamove, he served as a sales engineer and account manager for Maps products. He has been in love with maps since he was a kid. This planted the seed for his study in land surveying and computing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

In the Geographic Information System (GIS) industry, Homing is active in developer communities and the GIS industry. He was recognized by Google as a member of the Google Developers Experts (GDE) community in 2012.

Irvi Aini          
Software Engineer at Motional

Introductory and Overview       
Unveiling the Power of Google Cloud's Object Tracking: Enhancing Insights and Efficiency

Google Cloud's Object Tracking capabilities represent a game-changing advancement in video analysis technology. With the ability to precisely monitor and trace objects of interest in real-time, organizations can unlock invaluable insights and improve operational efficiency across various domains. This abstract explores the transformative potential of Object Tracking, showcasing real-world examples of how it is revolutionizing industries such as traffic management, retail, and security.



Jirawat Karanwittayakarn          
Tech Evangelist at LINE Thailand

Introductory and Overview       
Say Hello to Cloud Functions for Firebase 2nd Gen

Get to know Cloud Functions for Firebase (2nd gen), the next generation of Functions-as-a-Service built on Cloud Run and Eventarc to give you more powerful infrastructure, advanced control over performance and scalability, and more.


Jirawat is a software developer with over 10 years of experience. He currently works at LINE Thailand, as a Technology Evangelist. Since discovering Firebase, he has spent most of his time learning about it.

He lives in Bangkok, Thailand where he is actively involved in the local Firebase community, including speaking at conferences, writing blog posts, and creating code samples throughout Thailand. He also founded the largest Thailand Firebase developer group with over 10,000 members.

His passion is to help developers learn and adopt new mobile development methodologies and frameworks like Firebase. When he is not developing, he likes to spend time with his wife and children.

Johanes Alexander          
Customer Engineer, Data Analytics Specialist at Google

Bring AI to Your Data

Imagine a world where all customer interactions are timely and magical because you proactively personalize every conversation using GenAI.Imagine people's productivity has tripled, thanks to their GenAI assistants that help them analyze data, write code, and turn insights into action. Imagine if people could make better decisions in half the time because they are all empowered to experiment with their data and quickly deploy GenAI models. GenAI has now become your biggest competitive advantage.

Now that sounds like a dream, but the harsh reality is that few entities experience this type of paradise. It's actually very rare for an entity to be great at extracting value from data and turning data into a differentiator.

The reason most of those entities fail to turn data into a true differentiator is that approaches and systems of the past are not designed for the AI era: most insights are trapped in vast amounts of unstructured data, data access is not democratized and is siloed across systems, and the use of multiple systems requires moving data, driving complexity even higher, making it difficult to scale and achieve the full potential of GenAI.

GenAI has the ability to change the game forever. It's time to re-imagine your data strategy with GenAI. And to harness the power of GenAI at scale, you have to unify those data and bring AI over, not the other way around.


Johanes, an experienced data architect, designs end-to-end data solutions to meet business needs. He works with strategic customers across Southeast Asia, including digital natives and enterprises, to help them uncover the business value of their data.

Joshua de Guzman          
Senior Software Engineer at dub

Introductory and Overview       
Supercharge your Flutter apps with Firebase Extensions

At this talk, Joshua will explore the power of Firebase Extensions, a new way to easily add features and functionality to your Firebase app. He will show you how to integrate with popular services like Algolia for search and PaLM API for chatbots, using Flutter as the client app.


Joshua is a focused software engineer who delivers products that help improve people's lives. As a founding engineer, he helped build a platform that enables everyone to invest in people and ideas using Flutter and multiple fast-growing technologies. He collaborates with the tech community on developer experiences and tools like Flutter and Dart. He previously helped launch products that are used by millions of people worldwide.

Katie Barnett          
Android Evangelist at Bilue

Taking Jetpack Compose Animations to the Next Level

Explore complex Jetpack Compose AnimatedVisibility and target-based animations to flip cards and make dialogs expand and contract.


Katie is passionate about all things Android. She has taken on a wide variety of challenging projects including in the live event, media and travel space. Her favourite thing is to see someone having a delightful experience using something she has worked on. Katie is very active in the development community, she is one of the organisers of GDG Melbourne and is a Women Techmakers Ambassador. She frequently runs events, speaks on technical and non-technical topics and enjoys writing blog posts to share her experience with others. Katie is based in Melbourne, Australia and outside of tech she enjoys board gaming and attempting to finish many craft projects.

Leong Lai Fong          
AI Engineer at Cognixus

Multimodal Search: "LLMs with Vision" with Vertex AI

What if large language models (LLMs) had "vision", the ability to understand the meaning of images? Just like we have seen the innovation with LLMs with chatbots and text data, the ability would make another huge impact on businesses by letting LLMs look at and organize millions of images in enterprise IT systems. In this session, you will learn how a large vision language model (VLM) works and changes the business in the next couple of years.


Lai Fong is a research enthusiast, particularly in 2D computer vision, 3D computer modelling and artificial intelligence. Outside of R&D, she loves socialising and learning about new technology trends. She is Women Techmakers Kuala Lumpur community lead, inspired as Women in Tech and continues to bring diversity to the stages!

Martin Andrews          
Head of AI at Red Dragon AI

PaLM API: No-code Prototyping with Flowise

Now that the PaLM API makes it possible for anyone to access Google's bison-level models easily, the next step in automation is to integrate it into larger processes. Flowise is a GUI front-end for langchain, which enables the orchestration of API calls, so that larger systems (with, for instance, retrieval over documents) or smarter agents (which can act semi-autonomously) can be built. This talk will show how the Flowise no-code tool can be used to prototype these use cases.


Martin has a PhD in Machine Learning, and has been an Open Source advocate since 1999. After a career in finance (based in London and New York), he decided to follow his original passion, and now works on Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence full-time in Singapore, as the Head of AI at Red Dragon AI. Martin is co-organiser of the Machine Learning Singapore MeetUp group and is a regular speaker at events in the region.

Pankaj Parkar          
Principal Application Developer at AON

Introductory and Overview
Rethinking Reactivity Using Angular Signal



Pankaj is currently working as a Principal Application Developer at AON. He has been in web application development for the last 10+ years, and has experience with a variety of front-end JavaScript technologies, including AngularJS, Angular, React, and EmberJS. He is also proficient in backend technologies such as .NET, C#, SQL, and Node.js. He is passionate about knowledge sharing, and can often be found helping people on StackOverflow with Angular questions.

Pankaj consistently contributes to the community by speaking at events, writing blogs, answering questions on StackOverflow, contributing to open-source projects, etc. Additionally, he is a Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert, and ng-conf champion.

Ratna Juita          
Founder & CEO at The Mindgem

Panel Discussion: Career Development for Tech Professionals


Ratna is a TEDx speaker, facilitator and coach. She empowers individuals to unleash their full potential and create an authentic personal brand.

She facilitates career workshops and moderates career conversations. Prior to starting her own training business, Ratna spent a few years in the Career Development space, to guide students to prepare them for the future of work.

She co-authored the Book “Women Empowered: Personal Journeys to Become Empowered Women” sharing her powerful story of transformation. Drawing from her extensive background in Account Management, Marketing, Business Development, Project Management, Career Coaching, Training, and Facilitation, Ratna brings a wealth of expertise to her training and coaching sessions.

Her work has reached diverse audiences, including corporations, universities, schools, professional organizations, and non-profit organizations. A trusted partner for renowned brands such as Yokogawa, Grab, Visa, PayPal, and SPH Media, Ratna has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional results. Her expertise has also been sought after by esteemed institutions like ESSEC Business School, Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and the National University of Singapore (NUS).

She is recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice and interviewed by Channel News Asia.

Robin Weston          
Engineering Director at BCG X

Building Production-Ready Generative AI Applications

Generative AI has taken the world by storm in the past year, with businesses eager to tap into its vast potential. But building real-world production applications with generative AI is no easy feat. In this session, Robin will share their insights from building such applications, covering key challenges like performance, cost, ethics, architecture, and security.


Robin Weston is an Engineering Director at BCG X. He previously worked at Thoughtworks, and has been a technical co-founder in several startups. At BCG X he leads engineering teams building new businesses and products and has recently enjoyed getting his hands dirty with all things Generative AI.

Sakina Abbas          
CEO & Co-Founder at Reactree

Introductory and Overview       
Cleaner Code with Dart 3 for Beginners

In this session, we will explore the new capabilities of Dart 3 which will help Flutter developers write cleaner code that is easier to maintain.

We will specifically look into the famous Patterns and Records.

By the end of this session, you will be able to use them to efficiently deserialize JSON data and perform exhaustiveness checking - in only a few lines!


Co-founder and CEO of Reactree and the first female Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart in Pakistan, Sakina Abbas is all about solving problems through technology.

She started off as a native Android developer and is now leading Flutter development and DevOps at Reactree. To date, she has provided consultancies to numerous international and local clients and has built a number of custom solutions. She's an avid gamer, and much of her personal work is inspired by games.

Sam Witteveen          
CEO & Co-Founder at Red Dragon AI

Building Application with Large Language Models on VertexAI

In this cutting-edge talk, I delve into the how-to (with code) of building applications with Large Language Models (LLMs) using VertexAl. Leveraging LangChain for orchestration, the presentation offers an in-depth look at integrating multiple LLMs, including PaLM 2 and LLaMA 2 along with other GCP products and how to build a commercial Retrieval Augmented Generation system for businesses and individuals alike.


Sam Witteveen is a Google Developer Expert for Machine Learning. He has extensive experience in AI, startups and mobile applications. Sam is passionate about Deep Learning and AI in the fields of Natural Language Processing, Conversational AI and Generative Modeling. Sam regularly shares his knowledge at events and conferences across the world and has spoken at events such as AI Day Asia, TensorFlow World, Naver’s Startup Factory and other events for Google in Korea, San Francisco & New York. Sam is also a key mentor for Google’s Startup Accelerator in both the APAC and North America regions.

Samantha Ng          
Career Futurist at Becoming Irreplaceable

Panel Discussion: Career Development for Tech Professionals


Samantha is a career futurist and a career wellness advocate. She has worked with thousands of professionals across regions to guide them to achieve career success by positioning them for upcoming and future trends, as well as equipping them with relevant career skills. She has been featured in CNA, Today, Kiss92, and LinkedIn Editorial.

Shang Yi Lim           
Staff Software Engineer at Hubble.Build

Introductory and Overview      
Beginners Guide to Chatting Your Firestore Data - Food Edition

Learn the fundamentals on how to build document search with Firebase, PaLM 2 API and Chroma DB to build a Chat App that reads your data.


Shang Yi is a software developer who jumps on new technology at the first chance. He is a Google Developer Expert in Firebase and is often distracted by random stuff, such as cooking, machinery, DIY projects, and creepypastas.

Suesi Tran          
Senior Flutter Developer at Tabcorp

Introductory and Overview      
Flutter + Firebase = Awesome!

A live-coding session to showcase how fast it is to create a simple public chat app with Flutter, and with Firebase as BE. The demo app will use Firebase Authentication for the authentication feature, and Firebase Cloud Firestore as database.


Suesi Tran is a Senior Flutter Developer at Tabcorp. She is also a Google Developer Expert in Dart & Flutter, and a Women Techmaker Melbourne Ambassador. She has 15+ years of experience in mobile development, and started Flutter development in 2017.

Tamas Piros          
Director of Developer Advocacy at Cloudinary

Next-Gen Web Performance: Supercharging 2024

The talk will delve into the future of web performance in 2024 and onwards, with a special focus on enhancing media experiences on the web. Discover cutting-edge techniques, emerging technologies, and innovative strategies that promise to supercharge the way we deliver and consume media content online. We'll explore how web performance advancements are reshaping the digital landscape and revolutionising the way users interact with media on the web. Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of web performance in the media-rich online world while staying ahead of the curve.


Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Development Technologies and a seasoned Developer Evangelist. He is a passionate advocate for web development technologies, helping people understand and unlock cutting-edge features.

Thu Ya Kyaw          
Senior Developer Relations Engineer at Google Cloud

Imagen-ing the Perfect Cafe Menu

While AI tools like image generation are popular on social media, people rarely combine different AI tools to create new and interesting content. This session will show you how to combine text generation and image generation to create real-world media content. Please bring your laptop for the hands-on portion of the session.


Thu Ya Kyaw is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer at Google with over 7 years of experience in the tech industry. At Google, he helps developers learn, develop, deploy, and scale AI/ML applications on Google Cloud. Thu Ya is also a passionate speaker and educator, and he has given talks at conferences and meetups around the world. He is passionate about using machine learning to solve real-world problems, and he is excited to share his knowledge and expertise with others. He also organizes hackathons, conducts workshops, and mentors the next generation of developers.

Vin Lim          
Director at Arteesan

Better UX on the Web with Core Web Vital

The significance of UX in the success of any web application is universally acknowledged, but the methods to accurately measure it were often elusive. Core Web Vitals offers a clear framework, highlighting essential metrics such as LCP, FID, CLS, and the new INP. Join us as we unpack the importance of Core Web Vitals and provide actionable insights to elevate the UX as well as the additional benefits of SEO.


Vin is the founder of, a creator platform for artists to create, showcase, and sell artwork with blockchain. He is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technology, as well as a Polygon Developer Advocate.

Warat Wongmaneekit          
Chief Product Officer at WISESIGHT

Introductory and Overview      
The Native Web Transition with View Transitions API

Native apps have always been able to animate transitions between pages, giving users a smooth and seamless experience. However, the web hasn't been able to do this, which is why users often complain that web apps don't feel as good as native apps.

This is where the View Transitions API comes in. It's a new browser API that makes it easy to create animated transitions between different DOM states. This means that we can now create web apps that feel as smooth and responsive as native apps, without having to write any complex CSS animations.

In this session, we'll learn how the View Transitions API works and how to use it to create beautiful and engaging animated transitions for our web apps.


Warat is a co-founder and Chief Product Officer of WISESIGHT, a data analytics company. He is also a Google Developer Expert for Web Technologies, focusing on web performance and capabilities.

Weiyuan Liu          
Engineering Manager II at Grab

Making a Call via the Internet? Let's use Google Cloud and WebRTC!

Have you used WebRTC to create an application for video calling? But Javascript/TypeScript/frontend tech is not enough!

Here's how you can build a working internet telephone with a JavaScript frontend and backend, containerized and deployed to the cloud!


Weiyuan is an Engineering Manager at Grab. As an engineer, he has worked on the full-stack development of scalable and distributed web applications. Outside of work, Weiyuan volunteers as a community lead for Big O(n) Development and GDG Cloud Singapore, and hosts events monthly to bi-weekly on cloud technologies and current-day topics. He is also a Google Developer Expert for Google, in cloud technologies, and often blogs and talks about these areas as well.

Xavier Pilas          
Senior Pre-Sales Engineer at Neo4j

Gen-AI and Graphs with Google Cloud

Discover how Generative AI can benefit from Knowledge Graphs and how it integrates easily into GCP, from improving accuracy to allowing auditability and security.

Unlock the full potential of Generative AI by combining it with Knowledge Graphs.


Xavier is always a developer at heart, he enjoys solving business challenges using graphs. Looking forward to sharing with you what we can do by connecting GenAI and graphs.

Xu Ren          
Head of Digital Transformation at Sun Venture

Serverless ETL and Orchestration using Cloud Run and Prefect

The world of database engineering, modern data stack, and orchestration (whether it's ETL or the trendy ELT, EL) has really exploded lately. Yet, many of these workflows still run on physical machines and use tools like Cron or Airflow. Meanwhile, the rest of the world has moved on serverless and on-demand, isolated, short-lived workflows in other domains. While Airflow has a strong market share as well as mind-share due to its developer/user community and plethora of documentation, tutorials, and ecosystem, I hope to offer an alternative viewpoint by using Prefect and how it can be easily deployed on GCP with no infrastructure management overhead through the use of Cloud Run.


Xu currently oversees data engineering and matters related to cloud architecture for the Digital Transformation team. Prior to Sun Venture, he worked in various data infrastructure and web analytics teams at Comcast NBC Universal, Chubb Insurance, and Wells Fargo in Philadelphia and Charlotte, US. Xu holds active cloud and analytics certifications across Google, Oracle, and Microsoft Azure as well as SAS, Qlik, and Tableau.

Xu also holds a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD Business School and a Master of Enterprise Architecture from Pennsylvania State University.

Yong Shean Chong          
Senior Software Engineer at Comerge Solutions

Managing a Component Library in Flutter

Managing a component library in Flutter can be a challenge, especially as your app grows and evolves. In this talk, we'll discuss how to create a component library as a package, localize your components, and integrate your component library with Widgetbook.


Yong Shean is a Senior Software Engineer at Comerge Solutions and a Google Developer Expert of Flutter & Dart. She is a passionate Flutter advocate with extensive experience building e-commerce, AR, healthcare, and well-being apps. She regularly gives talks and workshops on Flutter and Dart to help others learn and build amazing apps.