7.1 A brief story of success that illustrates the power of ABE programming to make positive change for the individuals and communities served.


7.2 The most pressing challenges the consortium is currently facing, and ideas on how to address these challenges (some challenges may not have clear solutions yet).


7.3 Two recent innovations in areas such as instruction, student support, recruitment, curriculum development or collaboration. Highlight innovations that might address the challenges mentioned above or that have not already been described in any section of the narrative.


7.4 When and how Detroit Lakes ABE addresses the issue of equity, including but not limited to racial equity. Consider the following:

    • Does the consortium have a vision or strategy for addressing issues of equity? If so, how is this vision or strategy shared amongst staff? If not, how will one be developed?
    • Describe any professional development focused on equity that the consortium has sponsored and/or participated in.
    • If the consortium is participating in equity training or initiatives that are led by a K-12 district, how is training or initiative being made relevant for the ABE context?