4.1 How high quality educational services are developed and offered by the consortium.

Section 4.1.pdf

4.2 Career-focused programming

Section 4.2.pdf

4.3 Implementation of state content standards for ABE into instruction to-date

Section 4.3.pdf

4.4 How volunteers are used to enhance student success in the consortium

Section 4.4.pdf

Attachment I - Course Descriptions

Math Courses

Reading Courses

Language Courses

ESL Courses

Attachment J - ABE Content Standards Implementation Plan

Attachment J.pdf

Attachment K.1 - Template for CCRS Aligned ELA Lesson/Unit Planning

Attachment K.2_ US President CCRS Aligned Lesson.pdf

Attachment K.2 - Template for CCRS Aligned ELA Lesson/Unit Planning

Attachment K.1