Color Guard

Color Guard is a combination of the use of flags, sabers, mock rifles, and other equipment, as well as dance and other interpretive movements. In a Marching Band, the color guard is a nonmusical section that provides additional visual aspects to the performance. The marching band and color guard performance generally takes place on a football field. The color guard performs alongside the marching band at football games and most guards regularly compete in competitions during the fall. The purpose of the color guard is to interpret the music that the marching band is playing via the synchronized work of flags, sabres, rifles, and through dance to enhance the visual effect of the marching band as a whole. The De Soto Color Guard performs with the De Soto High School Marching Band at home football games as well as other scheduled competitions and parades. 

Color Guard Tryouts

 Are you ready to spin, dance, and perform? Come try out for the Color Guard and be part of an exciting team that brings music and movement to life! No experience? No problem—we'll teach you everything you need to know.  

Open to grades 7-11

March 9-11, 4 PM- DHS Band Room

Information Meeting- Only need to attend one.

Feb. 18, 7 AM- DHS Band Room

Feb. 19, 7 AM- Jr. High Band Room

2024 Performance Schedule

July 4- De Soto 4th of July Parade

August 29- Football Game

September 6- Football Game

September 21- Farmington Marching Invitational

September 27- Homecoming

October 5- Washington Marching Invitational

October 11- Football Game

October 19- Park Hills Central Rebel Invitational

October 22- DHS Glow Show

October 25- Senior Night Football Game

November 9- De Soto Veteran's Day Parade

December 7- De Soto Christmas Parade


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