
  • Topic: Sustainable and transparent evaluation experiments

Related paper: McFee, Brian, Eric J. Humphrey, and Julián Urbano. "A Plan for Sustainable MIR Evaluation." ISMIR. 2016.

  • Topic: Algorithmic and dataset biases

Related paper: Flexer, Arthur, et al. "Hubness as a case of technical algorithmic bias in music recommendation." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW). IEEE, 2018.

  • Topic: Ethical implications

Related paper: Holzapfel, Andre, Bob Sturm, and Mark Coeckelbergh. "Ethical dimensions of music information retrieval technology." Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (2018).

  • Topic: Fairness, discrimination

Related paper: Porcaro, Lorenzo, et al. “20 years of Playlists: a Statistical Analysis on Popularity and Diversity”, ISMIR 2019

  • Topic: Privacy

Related paper: Fencott, Robin, and Nick Bryan-Kinns. "Hey Man, You're Invading my Personal Space! Privacy and Awareness in Collaborative Music." NIME. 2010.

  • Topic: Inclusive music education and technology

Related paper: Samuels, Koichi. "The meanings in making: Openness, technology and inclusive music practices for people with disabilities." Leonardo Music Journal 25 (2015): 25-29.

  • Topic: Cultural biases and diversity

Related paper: Serra, X. (2011). A multicultural approach in music information research. In Klapuri A, Leider C, editors. ISMIR 2011: Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference; 2011 October 24-28; Miami, Florida (USA). Miami: University of Miami; 2011.. International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR).

  • Topic: Auditing for fairness and transparency real-world systems and applications

Related paper: Page, Kevin R., et al. "Capturing the workflows of music information retrieval for repeatability and reuse." Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 41.3 (2013): 435-459.

  • Topic: Transparency, interpretability

Related paper: Mishra, Saumitra, Bob L. Sturm, and Simon Dixon. "Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations for Music Content Analysis." ISMIR. 2017.

  • Topics: Robotics and music performance

Related paper: Bretan, M., & Weinberg, G. (2017). Integrating the cognitive with the physical: musical path planning for an improvising robot. In Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.