Call for papers

Call for Submissions to the half-day ISMIR 2019 Workshop on Designing Human-Centric MIR Systems

We invite the research community to submit extended abstracts, maximum 3 pages long on the following topics:

  • Sustainable and transparent evaluation experiments
  • Algorithmic and dataset biases
  • Ethical implications
  • Fairness, discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Inclusive music education and technology
  • Cultural biases and diversity
  • Auditing for fairness and transparency real-world systems and applications
  • Transparency, interpretability
  • Robotics and music performance

Here you can find relevant MIR papers on the proposed topics.

Submission details and templates

Submissions should not exceed 3 pages. They must be submitted in PDF format and conform to ISMIR Proceedings specifications with the exception that for this workshop the review process is not double-blind and authors can include their names and affiliations.

ISMIR templates are available at this link.

Papers should be submitted through EasyChair by October 4th, 2019 for timely consideration.

We explicitly encourage the submission of papers describing work in progress or containing preliminary results to discuss with the community.

Papers will be reviewed by the workshop committee with consideration for quality and fit to the workshop. At least one author of each accepted submission is required to attend the workshop. Accepted papers will be presented as short oral presentations, and will be archived on the workshop website.

Important dates

  • Deadline for submission of extended abstract: October 4, 2019 October 11, 2019
  • Acceptance notification: October 15, 2019
  • Deadline for final submission of extended abstract: October 31, 2019
  • Workshop: November 2, 2019